Page 100 of Falcon's Prey
“I don’t know.” Mattias sobbed like a little bitch.
Walking up to him, I grabbed the hilt of the knife, and I twisted it slowly in a clockwise motion as he howled in pain. Blood had already soaked through his pants.
“He’ll kill me…”
Mattias spat.
Ignoring the pain in my ribs, I hunched over so I could look him in the eyes. “Do you think I’m stupid? I saw the way you looked at her at that board meeting. You loathe her. Now, I don’t know if it’s jealousy that a spoiled little bitch has more money than you’ll ever have with your fancy degrees. So, you probably got off on cutting her off every time Silas snapped his fingers at you to do so… Now tell me why he voted for her not to get her inheritance.”
I believed Silas had something on him. He got control of the board, and I wouldn’t have put it past him to play dirty. The only mistake Mattias had made was being more scared of Silas than me.
“Take it out,” I instructed.
Gideon added pressure on the knife, then pulled it out, leaving a bloody mess in the process. “Six to eight hours. That’s how long it’ll take for you to bleed out. Now, I have no problem leaving you here. Have your throat burn as you yell for help while no one hears your pleas. Or I can drop your ass off the hospital; just tell me what I want to know.”
Letting out a defeated sigh, Mattias started to speak. “She was supposed to get her inheritance at twenty-five unless she wasn’t ready…but at thirty, she is set to inherit everything. Her grandfather left it all to her.”
Gideon let out a slow whistle. I never knew I could be so furious on someone else’s behalf, but I felt like I was ready to breathe fire. They treated Ember like a child, a prisoner, and she was going to own all their asses.
“Is there a way for Silas to get it all?”
“O-o-only i-if she dies.”
Like I would let that happen.
I got closer again and patted his cheek. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Please, please don’t kill me.”
“This is what’s going to happen…”
Mattias hung on to every word I said.
“I’m going to drop your miserable ass at the hospital. Now, if you get any funny ideas of reporting us to the cops…”
I nodded to Gideon, who came to stand in front of Mattias again. From his back pocket, he pulled out a picture of his wife and daughter.
“They look like my type, don’t they?” G asked me.
“Sure do.”
“I like fucking my victims before I kill them. A nasty little habit, but you know how it is, right?”
Mattias was sobbing again. “Please don’t hurt them. I won’t say anything.”
“I know you won’t…but just in case, remember that if you do speak, what we did to you is a dream compared to what we will do to them.”
His eyes widened, and despite the fear and the pain, he got my message loud and clear.
“Can I do it now?” G seemed excited.
“Make it quick.”
He took the bloody knife and pressed it to Mattias’s pinky, and he cut off the tip. Mattias’s sobs made the warehouse tremble; he sobbed so loud that he passed out.
“Do you want to keep this?” Gideon asked me as he held up the piece of meat in his hands.