Page 4 of Falcon's Prey
“He’ll be gone by the end of the month.” I turned around to Sammy, dismissing my new security.
Sammy shook his head. “I hope not.”
Just then, my bell rang and in came Dr. W.
“Finally! I felt like I was about to diiiiiiie,” I told Dr. W, aware that Sammy and Ren were looking at me. I got up from my stool, waltzed to my couch, and extended my right arm for the good doctor.
“You would feel much better if we didn’t do this every other day, Miss Remington.”
“Look, I pay you, you come, and it’s a win-win for both of us.”
Dr. Wozniak didn’t say anything more. We’d had this argument loads of times before. It was a moot point.
“I’ll see you later, kiddo,” Sam told me.
I turned my head as he gave my new guard anI’ll be watching yousign.
When Dr. W was getting ready to put the needle in my arm, I turned around. I hated to watch the needle pierce my skin. It reminded me that no matter how thick my skin was, it was still easily ripped.
“You know the drill,” my doctor mumbled, and then he left.
I stood there for five minutes, my body soaking up the nutrients I was getting from my bag. The controller for the television was across the room, so I did what I’d always done and started to push people’s buttons.
“Hey, new guy,” I called out.
I didn’t turn to look at him but knew he was still standing in the same spot he had been earlier, right by the door. I had one of the penthouse suites in my building. The only escape was the elevator door.
“Did you need something, Miss Remington?” he said in a hoarse, sexy voice.
Even though the sound of his voice was a sex phone call jackpot, I could still hear his disdain for me.
He didn’t like me.
“The controller is right over there.” I smiled brightly at him and even helped him out by pointing to exactly where it was.
His jaw got hard again, and his eyes looked like it was going to storm. They got dark and, frankly, a little scary, yet he did as I asked.
“Thank you.” I took the controller from him. “Now take a seat. We have to lay down a few ground rules.”
He gave me a tense nod and sat across from me. His legs spread, and looking at that did something funny to me. His elbows came to his knees, his undivided attention on me.
“Speak,” he grunted.
“Karen!” I shouted for my maid, and she came running.
I didn’t know why she did that. I wasn’t a bitch to her.
“Yes, miss?”
“Can I have some oatmeal?”
“Of course. I’ll have it ready for you shortly.”
I dismissed her with a nod.
“Do you get off on it?”
“What?” I turned to look at Ren, and again, I found it hard to look him in the eye.