Page 63 of Falcon's Prey
I let him lead me without saying more. I was scared that if I told him the truth, he would still look at me with disgust. It was easier to let him think about what he wanted. I didn’t know where we were walking or why I hadn’t run away, yet I just kept telling myself that anything Ren did to me couldn’t be as vile as what I suffered at Silas’s hands. Knowing Dr. Wozniak was a decent guy and was taking care of my father made me feel better.
Ren made a move to cross the street, but before we did, he grabbed the cash from my purse, pocketed it, and then threw my purse away. I gritted my teeth and said nothing. The disposable phone felt heavy in my back pocket. As far as a weapon against him, it was a damn good one. I just had to find the perfect moment to use it—or so I told myself.
When we crossed the street, the parade was dying down, but there were still people dressed as Catrinas and holding candles, mourning their lost ones. I wondered if Gio and his men were still in the area and if I should mention it to Ren.
Before we could walk very far, he threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his body. He was rock solid but warm, which made no sense, but it was comforting.
“You can’t run away now, princess.” He kept spitting that nickname, like it was lead on his tongue.
We made our way across the parade grounds with Ren holding me, and we blended in with the dusk. It didn’t take long for me to start shivering. My body was cold, but the withdrawals had already begun, each wave stronger than the next, making me seek out comfort in Ren’s arms.
The moment I pressed closer, he stiffened for a second. I kept looking straight as I felt his gaze on me. We took a few more steps before he abruptly stopped, removed his jacket, and put it on me. I looked anywhere but at him. As soon as he found out I was going through withdrawals, all that rage would be mixed with disgust, and I didn’t think I could handle seeing disgust on anyone other than myself.
Ren stopped holding me to his body; instead, he grabbed my hand and led me to wherever it was he was taking me. I always believed love was a weapon that could be used against you, and right now, looking down at Ren’s hand and mine, it made me pity myself for a second because I would never know the feeling. Not from any man, nor family member—no one had loved me, and pretty soon no one would remember me. There was already an immortal Ember; the world didn’t need two.
With my fate in Ren’s hands, I followed him because I was tired of being the one to mess up my life. Action has consequences, and I had a string of bad decisions catching up to me.
I followed Ren Falcon, giving him the power to destroy me. I wasn’t walking into this with stars in my eyes and hope in my heart. I had fear in my veins and thoughts full of hate, but if I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I would gladly do it again. Robbing Silas of a chance to kill me was just a checkmate on my end.
Water droplets started to hit my face, and I closed my eyes toward the sky, relishing the moisture on my skin. One year without rain, without dark skies nor sunny and bright mornings. One year of being a prisoner in someone else’s game, and it made you value the little things you always took for granted—the changing of leaves from spring to winter. How time changed and you stayed the same, just withering more each passing day.
“What’s the holdup?” Ren turned to glare at me. His jaw ticked, but his eyes softened for a second. I held my breath to see what he would say, but he just turned around and started to drag me again.
We made it to another alley where I could see another car hidden deep in the shadows.
There was no going back now.
Just as I took another step, aware that once I got in that car my life would yet again change, I was dragged back.
“Not so fast.” Gio’s drawl was pissed.
His hold on me was strong, his fingers digging into my frail arm. I was sure if he wanted, he could fracture my bones.
I was in the middle of two men who couldn’t stand each other. Ren didn’t look pissed; as soon as he turned, a slow smile spread across his handsome face.
“Nice scar,” he smirked as he pointed to Gio’s cheek, then cast his eyes past him toward the parade plaza.
Gio’s nostrils flared, and his eyes zeroed in on Ren.
“I’d hoped you’d be dead, but I can fix that right now. I’m sure my boss will reward me.”
“Why don’t you let go of Ember, and we’ll settle this here and now,” Ren taunted. His hold on my arm was strong but not enough to cause me harm.
Gio seemed to think it over when he suddenly yanked me back, pulling me out of Ren’s grasp, or maybe he let me go so he wouldn’t snap my wrist. My body hit Gio’s with a loud thud. His arm wrapped around my waist while he held onto my forehead, forcing my neck to arch back.
“I’m going to enjoy killing you, and as a reward, I’m sure the boss will let me fuck—” Gio’s hand slithered down to cup my pussy.
I froze. My eyes met Ren’s, and his icy eyes shone but gave nothing away.
“—her until she begs me for more.”
“And you think I give a fuck who this slut fucks?” Ren drawled.
I didn’t flinch. I didn’t react. Instead, I went to that place in my mind that kept me sane—the place where no one could touch me. There was no pain, just a void of all emotions. Feelings got you nowhere.
Before Gio had a chance to speak, I jumped back against Gio’s chest when fireworks started to go off, signaling the end of the parade.
Ren rushed forward, and I flinched when he came at me fast. He went to where Gio was cupping me. Gio howled in pain and let me go. I closed my eyes for a second, scared of what would happen next. I still had my eyes closed when I felt Ren’s arm wrap around my waist and pull me toward him. He held on to me as if he owed me.