Page 59 of Savage Kingdom
Both Daphne and I pulled back.
“My target is in the room,” I said.
Daphne was staring stoically at the other wall. “She saw us.”
I pulled out my other gun, ready to get out of here, guns blazing. I didn’t care about the mess I had to make if it meant Daphne was safe.
“She mouthed for me to kill her.”
“It’s the only mercy we can give her.”
Daphne put her gun away and instead took out twin daggers.
“What I was looking for is on her neck. It’s called the esclave necklace. It was stolen from Russia when the Romanovs’ empire fell. Since then it’s been on the black market. He defiled it.” Daphne gripped the blades in her hand. “For that, he will pay, but he is not ours to claim.”
“Fuck, baby, what’s going in that head of yours?”
Don’t say it.
Don’t fucking say it.
“We are bringing her with us.”
“Okay, here’s the plan,” I said, ignoring the crying and the laughing from the men. “You throw a star into the man next to Yates, and I’ll shoot the one between her legs. We run that way and hide while Yates alerts security. Since the guards are still down, I’ll block the doors. At that time, you get to the damn window, get out, and I’ll carry her out once I am back. Deal?”
I put my gun away and instead took out a pistol, putting the silencer on it. I took a step forward, ready to get killing done so we could blow this place, but Daphne got in my way.
I was about to ask her what the fuck was wrong now, but she got on her tiptoes and fucking kissed me.
My hand wrapped around her waist as I deepened the kiss.
“Murder gets you horny?” I teased.
She swatted my chest. “Thank you.”
I got a feeling she didn’t do this often, so I didn’t make a big deal about it, but I couldn’t deny it meant something. When it came down to it, she didn’t need me, but she sure as fuck wanted me.
Pressing my lips to her forehead, I gave her a quick peck. Then I caressed her cheek.
“When we get out of here, you’re going to show me just how thankful you are.”
When she bit her lip and nodded, I groaned.
Couldn’t we just kill everyone already?
She pulled away, and we both nodded. She threw her dagger at the same time I shot. Then we ran to the opposite end and hid while we watched Yates run out. As soon as he was out of the doors, I locked them. Then when I came back, Daphne had the girl by the window.
“Please kill me. Kill me now before my master comes back,” the girl begged.
Daphne looked at her with anger in her eyes, but it wasn’t directed at her but at her master.
“Clock her,” she demanded. Then she turned around and climbed out of the window.
I did as she asked, knowing that the girl going into hysteria was a liability. When the girl went down, I threw her over my shoulder and climbed out. Daphne wasn’t in the gardens, but then I heard it the gunshots to the windows. She was causing chaos, ensuring we could all slip out with the mayhem.
That night in a safe house, Daphne showed me how thankful she was. It wasn’t until much later on that I realized she didn’t let me see her body again.