Page 38 of Brutal Empire
Daphne told me that a good soldier followed orders and that I should listen to the person in charge when working as a team.
“Any questions?” he asked.
“Was this your preferred room while you stayed here?”
He seemed surprised by my question, maybe because it had nothing to do with our current situation.
“Yeah,” he told me. “Come on, go shower. I’ll get us some clothing and food.”
* * *
I knewI had been asleep for a few hours when I woke up because my hair was no longer damp but dried. Bastian told me he left my clothing outside of the bathroom door. When I retrieved them, he wasn’t there. He didn’t come to the room either, and I didn’t think he had been back by the state of the other side of the bed.
I should have been happy to sleep in the bed all by myself. It was something I had been dreading. I knew it would have been irrational for either of us to sleep on the hard tile floor, and we had been tired from all the running, and sleeping on a clean, comfortable bed was a small blessing.
But now that I had gotten what I didn’t know I wished for, it didn’t satisfy me. I sat up and reached for my shoes. Rationally, I knew that I should not walk around unarmed, but even the food they gave us was without any utensils. There was nothing in this room I could have used as a weapon.
Slowly, I opened the door to avoid it making any creaking noises. There was no one outside patrolling our room. Since the door that led to the main house was down the hall, I figured if someone were posted, they would be there. I began to walk that way when I heard a thud in one of the other guest rooms.
I stopped dead.
My head turned toward the closed door. I didn’t know why, but I walked toward it. I could have sworn that room was empty when we walked through here earlier. My body felt hot with each step I took, and my hands were clammy. The tips of my fingers grazed the wooden door as I turned my face so my ear could go to the door.
Something was banging against the wall, but the grunts and moans that followed made my blood run cold. I should’ve turned around and returned to the room, but that wasn’t what I did. Without even thinking, my hand clasped to the doorknob and began to turn it slowly.
It took more willpower than I knew I had not to throw the door open. It was just a creak, but it had been enough. I gasped and immediately covered my mouth with my hand.
I was no stranger to sex and the desires of men. I had been used and abused in more ways than anyone could think of. My body was a temple for their pleasure. It was why I was disgusted by the idea of letting anyone near me again, but I had never laid eyes on anything like what was on the other side of the door.
Sex was power, and the person on top always wielded it, or so I thought. Bastian was lying down on two pillows. There was a naked woman sitting on his face. Her hands held on to the headboard as she ground her hips into his mouth. I was mesmerized by how her hips moved, but more by how he held on to her hips. I could see the imprint of his fingers as he dug into them, but not to the point that she would cry out in pain. If she were in pain, she wouldn’t be trying to get closer to his mouth.
It suddenly felt hotter in the hallway.
My eyes kept trailing down, and there was another woman. She was beautiful. She had long dark hair and skin, perfect soft curves, and she smiled at me. I took a step back, but my eyes were still on the small gap. She bent and then took hold of Bastian’s cock, and my eyes couldn’t stop looking at it. A little ball was on it, and I had never seen anything like it. The girl giggled before she said something in Spanish I didn’t understand, and since I had already been compromised, I ran from the room.
I wishI could say that fucking would have brought me the release I was looking for, but it did nothing. Julian would be coming home soon, and if it all went well, he would get us out of here. When I went to Lobo to get our clothes, I also asked him for my phone so I could make the call they needed. As soon as I was done with it, he took it back.
I opened the door to the room, and Cam was still sleeping. Her body was on top of the covers, lying on her side. She was still wearing her boots, and her hand rested under her cheek. I leaned against the doorframe as I took her in. She was nothing like the girls I had last night. She was taller—I had a feeling the top of her head would fit perfectly tucked under my chin. Although she was slim, her body was powerful.
The way she’d gone one-on-one with me was proof enough, and the last thing I should have been thinking about at that moment was how she would feel when I fucked her.
I never denied myself anything I wanted, but she was the one thing that I had to hold back from. My fingers itched to touch the scar on her cheek, and I couldn’t help but wonder, when did that bastard give it to her? Right when he got her? Toward the end? And why was Cam the only one who made it longer than a year with him out of all the girls he had bought?
Actually, the answer was there. It was in the way she wanted to keep on fighting, even if it cost her everything. Even when she did it in silence, she was resilient and had a fire inside of her that refused to die.
My rational side and my desire were on two different sides. The moment the door opened, I knew she was there.
Fuck did that do something to me.
I knew when I was being watched, and since Lobo and the other guys were busy, and none of them wanted to see me fuck, I knew they would have left us alone for the rest of the night. So the only person it could be was her. She didn’t run away, and I bet she had been curious.
Then Cecilia laughed and confirmed it was her.“Es tu novia? Nos esta viendo.” Is she your girlfriend? She is just staring at us.And fuck did my dick get harder at that time.
Cam was awake, now aware someone was in the room with her.
“Did you enjoy the show?” I drawled.