Page 59 of Brutal Empire
“His fiancée,” G threw out as he smirked at me. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go out for a bit.”
Fucking asshole.
“Is this because Daph finally admitted I was bigger than you?”
I could feel Cam glaring, but I ignored it since Gideon threw himself at me. We went blow for blow, and there was anger, but I didn’t think it was personal—more like he needed to blow off steam.
Something broke, and Cam yelled at us to stop, but we ignored her. My fist made contact with the side of Gideon’s cheek as his punch landed on my gut.
“Fucker,” I hissed.
My hands fisted his shirt and then threw him, but I didn’t realize the table was right next to us.
“Oh fuck,” Gideon groaned as he lay on top of the broken wood. “You’re going to pay that bastard back for this,” he said, referring to the bill Carmine would probably throw our way, even if he could more than afford to replace it himself.
“Are you okay?” I extended my hand toward his.
“Yeah, I’ll be back.”
He got up without another word to me and left the house.
“Something is up with him and Daphne,” I said aloud, more to myself than to Cam.
When I looked at her, I fought off my smile. She had her gun pointed at me.
“You’re engaged?”
Why was I fucking hard right now?
“You’re jealous, Angel?”
I couldn’t help but remember what she had given to me earlier. The way she finally let herself get lost in me. Her hands were steady and unwavering.
“Katia Von Ives.” I spoke her name, and it was not love that still kept me here, just fucking guilt.
Cam’s brows scrunched, and her face was in deep thought. I would give an inch of my dick to be able to read her mind.
“She was a socialite,” she whispered.
My heart fucking pounded.
“I—remember hearing her name.” Cam’s arm lowered just a fraction.
“She was killed,” I said as I took a step forward. Cam didn’t immediately put away her weapon. “Daphne found me just as I found her…”
Her arm lowered a bit more, and I took another step.
“Then she forced me to watch as she was killed off.”
At the last step, I took the firearm from her. My hand came to her chin and tipped it so she could look up at me.
“What did you remember?” My voice was soft.
At that, Cam broke down and began to cry.