Page 29 of 36 Hours
‘Did he get physical?’ Kim asked. It was the suspicion that had been on her mind all morning.
Frost didn’t turn, and she didn’t answer.
‘How physical?’ she pushed.
‘Not answering, Stone.’
‘Okay, it’s your business, but this is my investigation. We’re being played by a man who is both controlling and violent, so based on your experience, should I discount Ryan Douglas or keep him on ice?’
Frost considered long and hard before turning. ‘Keep him on ice.’
Kim nodded towards the door, indicating she was free to leave. ‘And you can take a pastry now.’
Kim took a moment to reflect on everything Frost had just told her by not telling her a damn thing.
Clearly Ryan Douglas had been in a position of power in their relationship, and he’d used it to get physical. Exactly what he’d done she guessed she would never know, but she couldn’t help wondering what would happen if the two of them were to meet now. Frost wasn’t a woman she could imagine being intimidated by anyone.
She took a breath and headed back into the squad room.
‘Any progress?’ she asked, nodding towards Penn’s empty chair.
‘Just called in a possible missing guy,’ Stacey said. ‘He’s asking around for more details.’
It was a shot in the dark, but they had to give it a try. If anyone could find out, it would be Penn.
Kim turned back to Frost. ‘You still got a job?’
‘Barely, but only cos my boss can’t be arsed to start the disciplinary procedure on a Sunday.’
‘What about the next article?’ Kim asked. Their guy would expect another update to be posted in just under six hours’ time.
Frost shrugged. ‘I’ll worry about that when I get to it.’
Right now, Frost’s ongoing employment was not her greatest concern.
She turned to her team. ‘Okay, refresh. Mitch has the nails and is taking a look before resuming his weekend.’
‘Ha, his missus won’t like that,’ Stacey offered.
Kim waited.
‘Saw them once at the Dudley Arms carvery. As soon as he introduced me as a work colleague, her face changed. Not sure he’s even allowed to think about work on a Sunday. She likes to stay at the pub after eating if you know what I mean,’ Stacey said, bringing her hand to her mouth in a drinking motion.
‘Okay, thanks for that, Stace,’ Kim said.
‘Sorry, just in case you were wondering why he’s not quite as helpful as normal.’
‘Splendid. Right, that missing label at the Saltwells makes me think our guy was at the nature reserve to watch. No one would have questioned seeing a random volunteer as long as he had one of those stickers. I think our man infiltrated the litter-pick.’
Stacey cast a glance at Bryant and they both burst out laughing. Even Frost chuckled.
‘Sorry, boss,’ Stacey said, ‘but it’s not two words I’d normally put together.’
Kim rolled her eyes. ‘I think he’s doing this for entertainment, for kicks. He’s playing with us, but that makes him no less dangerous. We know from the Dictaphone that he’s not afraid to cause pain, and if he was there this morning, he’s not afraid to take risks.’
‘You’re assuming it’s a man?’ Frost asked.
‘We never assume, but it’s the natural pronoun for us to use. And you’re still not allowed to speak.’