Page 89 of 36 Hours
‘It’s being reported by her colleagues, who insist she would not have been late for work today of all days.’
‘Jeez, what is she, a brain surgeon?’ Kim asked.
‘Heart surgeon, actually, kids, and she has a case being admitted today.’
The words she’d read what seemed like days ago jumped into her head.
You will not miss the first, but you will miss the next.
‘Give me the address,’ she instructed as the speed in her step found another gear.
The house in Hagley was not what Kim was expecting. Yes, it was nice enough, a cottage-style property set back off the road with a tall hedge surrounding the front garden. But after quickly googling the woman during the drive, she’d learned that Nazeera Khan was the leading paediatric heart transplant surgeon in the county.
For some reason, she’d expected something grander.
The limited space in front of the property was crowded with three regular cars and one squad car.
‘You really think this could be connected to our case?’ Bryant asked, switching off the engine.
That was her colleague’s code for saying they were wasting their time.
‘I bloody hope not,’ she said, getting out of the car.
She was praying that Nazeera’s colleagues already had an answer as to her whereabouts and this had been a pointless detour.
That hope died as she entered the grounds and two smartly dressed people looked at her with worried expressions.
The police officer with them gave her an odd look, probably wondering why CID was attending a late-into-work call.
‘Are you a detective?’ the woman asked, stepping forward.
‘I am.’
‘I’m Audra Wilkinson, clinical director at Russell’s Hall. This is Robert Dickens, my assistant, and we’re very worried about Nazeera.’
As if to prove her point, she immediately started wringing her hands.
‘Have you knocked?’
‘Continuously. Doors, windows. The other officer is looking to see if he can see anything. Can we not just break in?’
It was exactly what Kim wanted to do, but it wasn’t something they could go around doing without good reason.
‘I understand your concern, but people?—’
‘I know what you’re going to say, but not Nazeera,’ Audra replied as the second officer appeared.
He shook his head to indicate there was nothing open.
Kim acknowledged him and turned back to the clinical director. ‘Even surgeons can have days when they don’t want to go to work.’
‘Not today, Officer. Definitely not today,’ Audra said, shaking her head. Although he didn’t speak, her assistant obviously agreed with her.
A pit was forming in Kim’s stomach.