Page 4 of The Nightmare Queen
We left for Bair immediately after returning to my room.
It’s been three days now.
Three days from the disastrous meeting with my father, three days since I’d had Will send a missive off to Obsidian - an official request for an audience with their queen, and three days since he found me back in that fucking room. My Wield flares at just the thought of it and with all the resolve I have I yank it back down.
I’ve been pacing the room for an obscene amount of time, wearing holes into my rugs while I wait for the response to come back in from their queen. It took some convincing to have Will send it in the first place and while going against my father’s wishes on things isn’t new to me…this isn’t some petty rule breaking. This could be taken as an act of war should he find out on a day he’s in a sour mood.
A few of my soldiers pass below my office window, looking haggard, dirty, and tired. For the past several months Hadar’s Guards have gotten closer and more manipulative with their tactics. Our border towns have suffered from the occupation of our small garrisons along each front while my military is suffering from the constant skirmishes. In short, everyone is bloody exhausted.
BANG!My line of thought veers as Will comes busting into my office clutching something in his fist. The look he gives me is wild as he extends it out towards me. I snatch what I now realize is an envelope from him and tear it open. Neither of us are breathing as I unfold the paper that hinges on our plan going smoothly.
Dammit. I look grimly up at Will. Without even saying a word his brow creases in disappointment. “Do not tell me, what I think that you are about to tell me.”
I really wish I didn’t have to,I think. “We have to go on foot.”
He throws his hands up. “No. No, Rorin. I’m sorry but, no. Your father already told you no. Now I am telling you as your head guard no. N.O.”
I laugh, mostly because he thinks he can tell me what to do. He knows it’s a battle lost, but he still tries. “We don’t have another option Will.”
“No other option— do I need to remind you, that if we go against his wishes it’s our heads on the chopping block?!” He shrieks.
The paper crinkles underneath my grip as I mull over his words. “It’s a risk.” I say, a smirk twitching at my lips but he doesn’t look amused.
“This isn’t funny. This isn’t a joke Ror! We already broke one rule by reaching out. They’ve told us no. Everyone, Rorin, is telling you no. Do you know what that means?” His face has gone beat red, sweat dripping from his brow. I lean back against my desk, waiting for him to tell me what it means anyways. “We should stay and listen to the directives we were given.”
My eyes find the ceiling navigating my next words carefully.
“If we do that, we die anyways. At least this way, I’ll die knowing I did everything I could to save this fucking kingdom.” That reminder hangs over us, dread settling in like a heavy blanket.
The door slams,the noise is jarring and it takes me a second to notice Will has stormed out. We’ve always disagreed on things - especially my decisions - but lately it feels like things between us have grown more tense. I straighten out the crinkles in the page, looking down at her response a second time.
It’ll take us the next two days to make preparations to leave. According to rumors we will need to be armed to the teeth if we are going to stand a chance against whatever lives in the outskirts of her territory. The rumors about her are no better, even if we do make it to her doorstep there isstill the risk we won’t be leaving Obsidian - alive that is. I crush the paper again and cast it into the hearth, watching it light quickly and burn to nothing but ash.
The sound of the dinner bell sends a grumble through my stomach. I can’t remember the last time I ate. I toggle with the idea of eating up here in my apartments and staying with the growing stack of papers on my desk, but I figure if I am set on the course for death I might as well enjoy my final few meals with friends.
The walk to the eating hall is brisk, the drab stone walls create a dim environment, a stark contrast to the halls in Valen. Bustling noise and conversation sound around the corner as I come around it. Soldiers are seated at every table, mostly of higher rank, clamoring for the food and ale. A few voices quieted but mostly my appearance seems not to have interrupted their meals. My seat at the head table sits empty between Will and Bennett, my commander. Bennett’s face lights up as he sees me walking down the center aisle.
“Buddy!” Bennett shouts, his ale cup tipping the contents into his mouth a dribble escaping down his chin. He swipes at it with the back of his hand before giving me a dopey grin. “Decided to grace us with your presence eh Highness?”
I scoff my eyes flicking to Will who’s kept his head down, his eyes drilling holes into his potatoes. Bennett tracks where I look as I take my seat, a frown stealing away his smile. “Don’t tell me mom and dad are fighting again?” He groans.THWACK! “Ow!”Bennett shouts, rubbing the back of his head.
“Thanks.” Will grumbles, the only acknowledgment he’s willing to give me at the moment. My head bobs at him as I stab the piece of gristly meat in front of me. The three of us sit there quietly for a moment listening to the conversations happening around us.
“So…” Bennett starts, “when are you two leaving?” The question surprises me, I whip my head at Will who’s moved on to staring at the liquid in his cup.
I pick at a piece of stale looking bread on my plate, “uhm — a few days. We’ll need to get everything prepared.” He grunts, shoving a piece of food into his mouth.
“Sure you don’t want me to come too? You could probably use another hand.” He suggests through garbled words and a full mouth. I bring the cup of ale up to my lips taking a sip and shaking my head. I don’t need another one of my friends in direct danger because of me. At least in this case, if he plays ignorant and stays here doing his job, he won’t seem disloyal to the crown. Not until we bring back her army that is, but I haven’t planned that far ahead yet. We go back to eating quietly, and I go back to listening in on a few of the men around me. Their words are mostly just the same complaints you’d here at any war post - not enough hot water, disputes amongst the ranks, sexual frustration from being away from their partners or spouses. Nothing of interest, though I can’t say I disagree with them.
If it were up to me they’d all be at their homes, with their families and jobs, not set to be a part of some makeshift military serving under a resentful prince. A few taps hit my plate bringing my attention back up to Bennett. “Where’d you go just now?” He asks, confusion lining his forehead.
“Nowhere.” I say quickly and push my plate away from me. “I should go through some paperwork and start packing. A lot to do before we leave.”
“Yeah, alright. You’ll let me know though right?” He asks.