Page 9 of The Nightmare Queen
“Which part of ‘this’ are you referring to?” I snip. “Personally, I am going to take it as a good sign that the guards are choosing to escort us instead of killing us on sight.” His blue eyes widen.
“Oh great. Is there any part of this plan where we don’t end up dead?” He bites back, I shrug my shoulders. “I’m getting tired of you shrugging.” He mutters under his breath. I slide a glance towards Will and see a frown forming in his brow. “She is supposedly sadistic. What makes you think someone as prolific as she is, would extend their aid again?”
“You’re just now asking these questions?” I droll. He stops mid-walk, turning in towards me. His face searches mine the frustration plain. Ilook past him at the guards waiting for us, locking eyes again with the redhead. “Apologies gentlemen. Just stopped to admire the view”. I say waving my hands around at the high ceilings.
The two closest to us move to open the doors we’ve stopped in front of. The stone groans as it opens, our group shuffling in. I gape at the massive arches and red hue cast over the black walls and floors from the stained glass ceilings. All except for one spot. Behind her single throne is nothing but an ominous wall of black. Not even the light emanating from the stained glass penetrates it. The entire room looks like it is bleeding. I don’t know why I am not surprised to find that there is no queen waiting for us.
“Off to a great start.” Will complains.
I roll my eyes at him, trying not to make too much of a scene in front of her soldiers. “Will! Are you going to be angry with me and gripe the entire way? Because I could’ve left you behind instead of Bennett!” I hiss. His face flashes with hurt before his agitation returns.
“This better work.” He snaps under his breath.
It has to, I think.If my father keeps squandering what little resources we have left, we won’t survive another season against Hadar’s Guards.
I toggle back and forth between addressing the armed men and keeping my face forward. Unfortunately, my companion’s fidgeting starts to wear on my resolve.
“Excuse me,” My voice echoes off the stone drawing their conversation to a close as all eyes turn on me, “but do you know when the Queen plans to join us? We don’t have time on our side I am afraid.” I try to convey the urgency while also curbing my annoyance. I can be diplomatic, I can be charming, but patience has never been my strong suit. It already has run out with my imp of a father, and I would prefer it not run out with my only chance at saving my kingdom.
The guards all exchange looks with one another, and then the burly one from the tavern laughs. A big, almost disturbing, laugh considering the circumstances and the others are quick to join him. “I’m sorry, but did I say something humorous?” My tone gaining an edge.
“Turn yourself around and wait. Could be a while.” Murmurs of agreement rumble through the group. Will, disgruntled by the disrespect shifts, in a slightly defensive stance by stepping ahead of me. It dawns on me then that we never introduced ourselves. We never introduced ourselves and they let us in anyways.What are they playing at…an unsettling feeling sinks into the bottom of my stomach as I lean into my friend.
“Will, this is obviously not our court.”
He rolls his eyes at me and mumbles “What makes you say that?”
“We never introduced ourselves.” I say.
My shoulders sag, “I said, we never introduced ourselves. They have no idea who we are and yet they’re allowing us to meet their queen.”
“Supposedly.” He mumbles.
I ignore the remark, “it’ll be fine.” I whisper, more to myself than anyone else. “I’ll just announce myself when she accepts our audience.” He doesn’t acknowledge what I am saying, his eyes fixated on the black void behind the dais.
I will not be leaving this damned dark castle without an army behind me and a queen leading it. I will wait. I will be patient. Vellar demands I be patient.
I’m done being patient.
At this rate, my legs are aching. I continue to stand with no more attempts at interacting with our escorts. Will has taken to a squat his propriety dissipating with each passing second.
We’re an afterthought. One would think when meeting with their neighboring kingdom, animosity or not, that they would make it top priority. Clear she doesn’t feel that way. But then again we never announced who we were, meaning she may not have any idea who we are at all.
“I’d heard we had visitors.” Will jumps to a standing position at the intruding voice and I straighten the lapels on my jacket. A tall man aged about mid forties walks towards us from the side of the room. “I wasn’t expecting ones ofyour sorthowever.” He speaks out in a loud thick accent. He moves towards the throne stepping just behind it. I recognize him from the scrolls and a handful of trade meetings - Felix Grim.
“A-hem. I apologize for the informality of our arrival but—”
BAM!The doors to the throne room fly open.
My mouth gapes slightly. Will’s too. “Gods help us all.” He whispers.
Covered head to toe in blood, a small woman struts past us straight to the dais, an air of smug superiority blankets her.
She doesn’t look the least bit phased at Will and I’s twin faces of shock while she takes her seat.
Her head falls to rest on her left hand, her legs are crossed and eyes are narrowed on me. She has a striking gaze,bright gold, just like—A small shadowy figure stands in the arch of it…gold glints at me from under the hood. Two eyes, stare back -last night, it washerwaiting for the guard.