Page 120 of Corrupt Game
I’d pulled up my pants, feeling that I’d just had a taste of what we were capable of together. I just might consider continuing to work for him after we found Andy’s killer.
Curling under his desk while he had a meeting, and sucking him hard started playing over in my mind. Laid out before him on his desk as he ate me out and jerked himself off. So many possibilities.
Not ready for a discussion, but super happy that the itch I’d had since this morning had been scratched in a most delicious way, I started to unload all the bags I’d bought into the suitcases.
It didn’t take long to pack it all into one case and a carry on for quick overnight access. I was used to doing without, but if my bank account was a good omen of my future, then I was going to start treating myself in all the right ways.
Money came and money went, but I’d get to have fun in the meantime, which was more than I’d ever had before. There was no point in saving right now because I could be dead in the next few days.
Getting Rossi on board during the shopping trip had been an added bonus.
When I glanced over at Ian, he was watching me with such an expression of lust and want mingled together. I could feel the liquid starting to pool in between my thighs. Sex wasn’t enough, though. Trust was needed for the long term, and he needed to earn it..
Andy had been the only person that I’d truly been certain would have my back, and now he was gone. And Ian had way overstepped.
I squared my shoulders and finished throwing the last of the stuff that I’d bought into the suitcase.
In fact, I could see why Kathy was still in Ireland and another woman had taken over here. There was enough work here to keep me busy for about a month and I still wouldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Knowing that he wanted me to come with him to see our search through won him a lot of points.
If Rossi could just get on board with my presence, then I’d be golden. He was still walking around like I’d personally insulted him by thinking that Ian was a killer.
When we finally got everything settled to where nothing was on fire or going to explode if we were out of town for a few days, Ian stood to stretch.
“We’ll have to monitor a couple of items and keep an eye on things, but I’m confident that it will be alright while we’re gone.”
“Boss, everything is ready. I’ve loaded the suitcases into the vehicle and the plane is fueling up now. We’ll be ready for takeoff moments after we arrive at the airstrip.” Rossi stuck his head in the office door.
I glanced at where I’d left the suitcase and carry on, but they’d disappeared. Rossi was way too good at his job. Then again, I’d been distracted with all the issues for the new products. I was going to have to keep a closer eye on him in the future.
He was worse than a ninja some days. I was certain that he’d had special forces training with the way he moved around and was always sticking his nose into things.
I was sure that he had his uses, but I didn’t always want him hanging around. It was creepy. He’d most certainly been watching the cameras in the basement when I’d been down there.
What had he seen?
Ew, I did not want to know.
Ian must have seen something in him. Loyalty and trust were hard to come by, and Rossi seemed trustworthy when it came to Ian. I was just going to have to win him over somehow.
I cased the laptop and a few other things I thought we might need while in Ireland and slung it over my shoulder.
“All ready.” I walked toward the elevator, but gave Rossi a jaunty salute.
This was not the life I’d had planned when I graduated from college. Working for a corporation and being seduced by the owner billionaire had its advantages. If he could just stop with the bipolar crap for more than a few minutes life might play out like a naughty fairytale.
I shrugged at my thoughts. This was the most messed up crap that I could have ever imagined possible. Did I even have a chance for a normal life?
The block on all this was still the memory of him taking me even after I told him no. I needed to know he’d respect my boundaries going forward.
The luxury was a far cry from what I’d grown up with. There had never been much money for food, and most definitely not for a bodyguard. Andy had been the closest thing I’d ever had to someone that would protect me.
The vehicle drove through the back part of the airport and to the private plane area.
My mouth gaped open at the mere idea of having a plane that I could just call up and use whenever I wanted it. I should have known he’d have the money for a plane of his own.
“Have you ever flown before?” Ian took my hand as we stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to the plane.