Page 137 of Corrupt Game
A new perspective to look at all the things I’d done over the years. I felt that my punishment wasn’t as bad since my body was in so much pain. I was able to block out most of the things that Sergi was trying to do to me. He probably had a lot worse on the schedule.
I wasn’t going to be much good to her in my present situation. Escape was the next thing on my to do list. Well, after sleeping, that is. I needed my strength to be able to move quickly.
Sergi didn’t disappoint. He walked into the room right on time. Four hours after the food had been delivered, he arrived with a bucket. He dumped it over the cage. It smelled like butter.
I stared at him stunned.
“The dogs get to have a good time today.” Sergi grinned at me.
My blood ran cold.
Chapter 50 Ian
“Where are you?” Rossi demanded when I answered the phone just as I rounded the curve before the farm.
“On my way back.” I didn’t feel the need to tell him information over the phone in case the wrong person was listening.
“I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to go anywhere. You needed to stay here, so nothing happened to you.” He sounded almost concerned about me. “You stole a car from him. While they’ve been generous, that doesn’t mean they’ll allow you to do anything you want to.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, staying there was what you mentioned, and I never agreed to anything of the kind.” I cheerfully responded. “Anyway, I found out something that will help us from an unexpected ally.”
They were waiting outside when I got back to the farmhouse. I held up a hand to stop them before they started. “A friend called for a meeting in Sandymount. She wouldn’t meet with anyone else, so I went.” I waited for them to close their open mouths before continuing. Hopefully, Rossi would pick up on who it was, but I didn’t want Lucas knowing in case it got her into trouble.
“She told me everything about what went on and some stuff that I didn’t know about my Andrew. Andy. I told her that Collette was my priority, but that I wanted to find Heather afterward and get her out. This girl was super scared. She said that Heather’s father will scorch the earth looking for her.” I handed Rossi the piece of paper that she’d given me with a map and the instructions on the best times to get in.
I didn’t trust Lucas, and I knew that Rossi would use it properly. Plus, there was the fact that I’d taken a picture of it before giving it to him.
“Shite, this is everythin’ we needed about the Kelly compound. We can totally get her out, but it’s going to take another day, two at the most, to get that many people put together for that kind of project.” Lucas took the paper from Rossi’s hand.
“Collette doesn’t have two days. He may not even have hours. We need to go today.” I stared at both of them. “With all that information, we can form an assault and get Collette out.”
“While I don’t agree with Lucas’ approach, I do think we should go over the plan and try to figure out the best way to get Collette out safely.” Rossi followed Lucas out into the yard and toward the barn. “Having a plan put together is the better option.”
“Are you comin’?” Lucas grinned at my annoyance.
“To the barn?” I scrunched up my face in disgust. “Really?”
I followed along grudgingly because there wasn’t anything else to do.
“That’s what the barn is for.” Lucas winked at me as he opened the doors of the barn to reveal a huge group of people hunched over a set of maps.
“The informant we went to see also gave us some plans, but he wasn’t certain about the codes and inner layout. That’s why I said it would take a day or two to work out all the parts.” Lucas smiled like he’d fixed the entire world with just the wave of his arm.
“Why are we wasting time?” I snapped. “If you just go in and follow the directions, then everything should be okay. Collettewill be right where she said and we can bring him home. Sure, Edmond Kelly will have some guards, but we can take those out.”
“That’s just not how we do things here. You Americans are so rash. You want to rush into things with no sound plannin’.”
“These are the plans. Why not just use them?” I went for a short walk before I punched someone.
When I came back, they were still trying to talk, argue, and discuss more ideas into the wee hours of the night.
I worked on my computer, waiting for Rossi. It would be too obvious if I ordered him into the house with me..
Rossi came in.
“Ready?” I closed the laptop.