Page 36 of Corrupt Game
Boredom? Ha!He had no idea what a foster kid could do to entertain themselves without access to electronics or toys. I’d been breastfed on abandonment and nothingness.
If he thought that I was going to give up because I was bored, then he really had no clue who he was messing with.
He’d just made himself at home as if walking into where someone was sleeping wasn’t a big deal.
Maybe it wasn’t for him. Afterall, it was his home—or at least one of them anyway.
A shrug of my shoulders expressed my annoyance, but I didn’t respond. He was the boss, I was just his assistant, waiting around in the dark to do his bidding.
“Meals from now on will be served when you ask me to feed them to you.” The stern tone of voice he used was that of a father to a child that needed to be disciplined.
I felt as if I’d been slapped. He wanted to feed me. How weird was that?
“As in by hand or just to make sure that I have food to eat?”
A deep breath of air helped me to swallow the revulsion I felt at his words.
He hadn’t mentioned it when he’d given me the rules. There were worse things that he could have asked me to do.
Rubbing my feet with his dick, peeing on me or taking a dump, were also on the nope list, but feeding me wasn’t that terrible comparatively.
Thankfully the darkness covered my reaction as I sank to the bed.
“From my hand of course. I’ll choose what you eat and then make sure that you savor it.” He answered in a firm voice.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather starve.” I crossed my arms in a gesture of defiance.
“Well, it must feel very powerful to be able to turn down food, when all you have to do is leave.” His rich laugh filled the room, “You have a strength of character that I’ve come to admire.”
“It’s really delicious of you to think I have a choice to leave. I’m not done with you yet, Mr. Holdt.” I knew when the chips were down I’d give in and ask for him to feed me, but not until we’d danced around each other for a while first.
“Oh, now you’re using food puns.” The smile could be heard in his words. “You think if you butter me up then maybe I’ll fall for whatever strange idea you have to offer me next?”
The air stirred as he stood.
I was startled to find him standing in front of me at the side of the bed.
He leaned in and put an arm on each side as he spoke in a low, deep voice.
“Oh, Ms. DeLandro, I’m going to enjoy making you learn to heel.” His finger traced the edges of my face.
“You may find this distasteful, but it is your choice to stay. All you have to do is say the word.”
“As for being done with me, I think you’ll find that it’s the other way around. When I’m done with you, you’ll be gone.” The threat echoed ominously in the room.
Abruptly, he turned and walked to the elevator.
“Remember, you chose this.”
I fell back onto the bed as the doors closed.
A pillow over my face was the only way I knew to muffle the scream that I needed to let out.
“AGH!!!!” I let it all go. The frustration, the anger, and those few intrigued emotions had to be released.
He wanted to train me like a dog. I couldn’t imagine the reasons he’d even want to have a woman respond in this type of manner.
The world he worked in was all businesslike. It came with perks of all sorts and women that would have jumped in his bed at any time.