Page 8 of Corrupt Game
“Those won’t be something you’ll need to worry about for a while.” His deep voice had such a controlled quality, with a calming effect. I’d encountered nothing like it before.
“What brought you to San Francisco from L.A.?”
Even as he asked, it was as if he already knew the answers. I was going to have to be very careful about how I answered his questions.
“I’ve been looking for a fresh experience in my field now that I have the credentials to back up my work. Your company intrigued me.”
His gaze never wavered from mine. “This is the type of position that takes a full commitment. Few can handle the requirements and walk out the door unable to deal with the long hours. It’s a twenty-four-seven job that will last for a year and a day.” He crossed his arms as he issued the challenge.
“That won’t be a problem,” I declared. Hell, I would be out the door as soon as I could get the evidence to use against him. If I got paid in the meantime, then all the better.
“Hmmm…I see. Do you have anything tying you to L.A.? Would you be willing to relocate?”
“Yes, I’d be stupid to turn down this kind of opportunity. I’m staying with friends at the moment.” I added it as an afterthought. His words about tying me to anything made me feel as if he was going to make me disappear. He’d already done it to my brother, so what would keep him from doing it to me?
“Would you be willing to give up social media for the duration of your time with my company?”
“Um, I don’t see that as a problem. I mostly use social media as a source of information gathering about other companies and their employees.” Presumably they’d need the social media blackout for the company’s security with any ideas they wanted to keep secret. It was why Holdt Tech had been so successful. I’d have to dig hard to find anything that would shed light on the CEO, though.
“Any medical issues I should be made aware of?” His gaze searched my face intently.
This wasn’t within the realm of normal interview questions, but if I was going to be working all the time, I could see why he’d need to know if I was diabetic or narcoleptic for work purposes.
“No, healthy as a horse.”
“Good.” He nodded. “Favorite foods? Drink preferences?”
It was then I knew that he’d already decided to hire me. He was trying to find out what I would need to be kept happy. Or maybe he wanted to take me out on a date. The connection in the elevator had felt electric, and if he hadn’t been a murderer, it would have tempted me.
“I prefer a protein and meat-based diet. Pasta is my absolute weakness, but I rarely indulge. I do socially drink alcohol. I had enough during high school and college to realize that I wouldn’t get ahead in life by consuming large amounts regularly.”
“Good girl.” His words made me want to squirm. I hadn’t done anything that needed to be praised. “You take care of your health properly.”
This was getting a little creepy, but I assumed that a man capable of murder should have some details explaining his inner demon.
“Any hobbies or obligations that would keep you from starting today?” He tilted his head in a controlled manner that I found endearing while also annoying in a different way.
“No.” I didn’t want to tell him that my hobby as of late had been my driving goal to put him in prison. No need to share that at the moment. “There aren’t any other prior commitments.”
His smirk reappeared. “One last question: do you have a boyfriend or significant other that is going to come looking for you?”
I shook my head no as my mouth went dry. Come looking for me? What the actual fuck?
“Good. We’ll get started then.” He rose and walked around the desk. He pressed a button, and a door in the bookcase opened. An imposing stocky man appeared in the opening.
“Rossi, this is Collette DeLandro. She’ll be my new assistant for the next year and a day.” He straightened. “Rossi is my chief security officer. He’ll take care of all the HR paperwork and escort you to where you’ll be staying if you agree to all the details.”
Ian held out a hand. “I look forward to working with you. I hope you’re agreeable to everything.”
When our hands touched, shivers went up my arm. If I hadn’t been focused on finding justice for my brother, I’d have been ready for him to have his wicked way with me.
While this wasn’t my normal type of man, something about his commanding presence made me want to fall to my knees in front of him.
A chuckle filled the room, and I snapped my attention back to his face.
“Ms. DeLandro.”
Tongue-tied, I stood there as he put a suit coat over his arm and walked out of his office, leaving me with Mr. Rossi.