Page 93 of Corrupt Game
“No, sir. I took her meals each day and collected the trays myself. The food was gone.”
I knew exactly what had happened. She was too smart, too determined.
“She put it in the toilet. She didn’t eat. It was a hunger strike.”
“Sir?” The question in Rossi’s voice was evident.
“There wasn’t anything else she could control except her food intake. She did the one thing that was in her power to make things balance.”
“The doctor says that she’ll be fine and not to worry. How soon will you be able to come back?”
He knew me so well. I would be back on the plane asap. I needed to see to her.
“Keep me informed. I’ll be leaving in the next few hours, but it’ll take me at least twelve hours of travel.”
“I’ll keep her safe for you, sir. I should have kept a closer eye on her,” he apologized.
It was hard not to agree with him, but I bit the words back. Rossi was one of the best out there. He’d learn from this. At the end of the day, she was alive and that was what mattered the most.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I hung up.
It was like having to deal with my mother’s death all over again. Only this time, Collette was still alive.
Things were going to change when I got home. I wasn’t going to let her waste away. She needed to know how I felt.
She had made a choice, and I needed to honor it.
Chapter 30: Collette
“I chose this,” I mumbled. I was stiff. It was so cold on the ground.
Why was I on the floor? Something wasn’t right.
A shadowy figure stood over me.
“Andy?” I whispered. “Did you come back for me?”
Memories washed over me, clear and bright.
Andy holding out a hand when we’d snuck into the swimming pool. He’d pushed me in and then he dove in when he realized I couldn’t swim.
Then he’d managed to get me in the shallow end and taught me how to swim. He was the patient teacher. He never yelled, or rolled his eyes. It was his mission to make sure I could swim. It had taken three more times of going after hours to the pool before I was confident enough to take off swimming on my own.
I felt like I was floating in the air… his face was right in front of me.
“Why didn’t you save me? I saved you. Didn’t I matter to you?” His voice was so sad and angry. All I could focus on was the bullet hole in the center of his forehead.
My eyes misted, but I couldn’t shed the tears.
How was he speaking to me? It must mean his ghost was tired of waiting for me to find his killer. I needed to get up, but I was too weak.
In the darkness, Andy moved over to shake hands with Ian. My heart lurched and I wanted Ian to be holding me. They talked and joked together before Andy turned to face me.
“What are you waiting for? Love? I expected better from you. What happened to rule number one?” His pale dead face disappeared.
I was a horrible sister. How could I be so worried about if Ian loved me or not when my brother was dead?
I wanted to sob, but nothing would come out. I choked on it.