Page 35 of Drift
“Notting Hill?”
Farm Retreat owned a chain of restaurants all over London. This one wasn’t far from the manor. Notting Hill, however, was in the opposite direction. “I’m closer. Cancel the taxi.”
“You’re home? Of course you are. That’s why Steve put me through to you, not Ray. Everything okay?”
Christ, that lad was sharp. “Business call close by.” He left it at that.
“You absolutely sure you’re okay to pick us up in that case? It’s no big issue, really. I know how busy you are. Honestly.”
Jan tried every which way to not mention MI5 and beyond but still managed to use a red neon sign with it. “Not an issue,” he said back to him. Not with Jan being stranded with Monique. “I’m on my break anyway.”
No lie there, not completely.
After a moment, a relieved sigh drifted over. “Thank you. I mean that. It’s gonna be hard enough letting Jill know at the MC.”
“No.” It came a little sharp, but there was a smile in his voice as well. “I can handle my boss. It’s enough that you can pick us up. I’ll call Ray to get us after work.”
“No need. I’ll let him know,” said Gray. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
The call went dead, and as he filled Ray in via the internal comm, Gray thumbed in Jack’s number.
After aCaller unavailablenotification, Gray cut the call.
Sometimes it happened: busy lines. Yet with Jack’s quiet at the table this morning…?
Gray’s skin crawled a little, especially as it left Jan alone on the street corner.
Chapter 11
Gray flicked the indicator, then took a left into the car park at the back of Farm Retreat. Monique’s red Volkswagen Polo sat off to the left, and as Jan eased off leaning against the bonnet and waved him over, Gray pulled up to the passenger side, leaving access to the driver’s side for Aid.
Gray rolled down the window, and Jan leaned down as he cut the engine.
“Thanks so much for this.” The harassed tone over the phone carried through to Jan’s soft looks, worrying brown eyes. “Bloody timing. With the FRC taking up most of tomorrow, we were supposed to clear today’s schedule. No doubt Chris and Ben are gonna love tattling on us when we don’t turn up.” A sigh. “And I bought the bastards dinner just.”
Gray cocked a brow, but Jan shook his head. “Long story.” His smile came easier. “Thank you so much for coming over.”
“Not a problem.” As Jan stepped back, Gray pushed out of his Merc, and after giving a quick look around, he tipped his head to Monique. “Miss Tucker.” Strange, he’d seen her brother’s body, had been inside Jason’s home, going through his personal belongings, talking to his neighbour just a few hours ago, yet he stood here with Monique, going through mid-afternoonpleasantries. It should have affected him, he knew that, but death was just that: death. Life… was just a breath away from it even if it stood next to them in a car park.
“Sir.” She was midway slipping her phone back in her bag. “Thank you,” she said with a relieved smile. “Goddamn mechanics. Mine promised she had no issues.”
“New issues tend not to take notice of many a good mechanic,” said Gray as he opened the back door for her, taking in the chill of winter and how Monique rubbed at her arms, what she’d face as soon as she got back to the MC. “You had any problems before?” He didn’t like apparent coincidences either, not when it came to stranding one of his lovers out in the open.
“Just a few chokes and splutters this morning, but nothing too drastic.” Monique smiled and sat side-saddle in the back of Gray’s car as he glanced around the empty car park again. Everywhere seemed sedate enough. The dinner rush had come and gone, and life settled into the lone car passing on the road. “We didn’t mean to bother you,” she added, giving Jan a long look. “Recovery could have handled it.”
“Which would have taken a lot longer,” said Gray as he checked his phone. Still no call back from Jack. “And it’s Gray, Monique. Mr Raoul at a push.” He looked her way. “But not sir. I’m not your boss.”
Monique rubbed at her ankle, her hat hiding most of her face. “Manners,” she said. “Old trick I learned from my brother when the rozzers are around.” She grinned up at Gray. “Kind of like an apple a day keeping the lawman away.”
Rozzers? Gray snorted a smile as Jan shook his head at Monique. Now that was a term for a copper he hadn’t heard in a long time. And she was sharp enough to pick up on the lawtie with Gray. He knew Jan wouldn’t disclose his MI5 ties and beyond, so this was… just Monique.
“Your brother, hm?” said Gray, and he knew he had to do this. “That would be the curator, right?” He looked at Jan. “What’s his name again?”