Page 9 of My Omega's Gift
“I just shifted, so I don’t have any clothes on.” Shifters overall didn’t care about that while in the process of donning or shedding our fur, but we didn’t generally walk into buildings in our skins.
The door opened and I faced Theo with his white beard and jovial smile. “Robes right inside. Grab one and come on in.”
I wrapped myself in the thick warm robe, giving a little shiver. “It is mighty cold out there once the fur goes away.”
“Don’t I know it. To what do we owe your visit? Is everything all right at the cabin? Did you need something?”
“Actually, I was passing by after a run and remembered I need to make a phone call. Is there by chance a house phone I can use?”
He cocked his head, eyes twinkling. “This must be a very important call if you can’t wait to get back to the cabin. Why don’t you go into the office and use the line there for privacy.”
“That would be great. I appreciate it.” Also, his not asking for details. He was no doubt being professional, but that was perfectly fine, especially when Theo and Elias, who had come in to say hello, wandered away, leaving me in the office.
Considering it probably held all their business records and who knew what personal things, it was very trusting of them. Not that I would touch anything but the phone. I absolutely would not. I sat down behind the desk and lifted the receiver of the old push-button phone. It must be as old as the resort itself.
It took a moment to remember the information because who actually did know phone numbers anymore. Shifters were as guilty as humans in depending on tech, I mused, but a deep think produced Marco’s number.
He answered on the first ring. “Alpha, you’re not ready to come home, are you?”
I chuckled. “No, you convinced me I need a vacation, but that’s not why I’m calling.”
“Everything is going great here. I should have known you’d check in.”
When did he start trying to outthink me? I pushed some alpha into my reply. I was also his friend but more his alpha. “If you’ll give me a moment, I will tell you why I’m calling.”
“I’m sorry, alpha.”
“There was a double-booking and—”
“What? We made those reservations weeks ago. Paid up front! I’m calling the resort.”
“Sorry, again, alpha.”
“It’s fine, but there are complications.” I filled him in on the current situation, including the pregnancy. “And my wolf scents him as ours.”
“Does he scent you back?”
“I don’t know, but, Marco, he was forced rogue.”
“Then it’s lucky he found you. Not only his fated mate but one who is alpha of a pack who accepts those like him.”
“You’re jumping fast, have us mated and moving in together.”
He laughed. “Isn’t that the whole point?”
Chapter Seven
After Kurt left, my plan had been to climb under the covers and fall asleep. I was bone-tired from my journey, unable to remember the last time I’d had a decent night’s sleep. I was warm and the blankets ensured I’d stay that way. And for the first time in a long time, I had a full belly. It would’ve been easy to let slumber take over. But I couldn’t do it. It didn’t feel right.
My head was going a thousand miles a minute and all of the thoughts revolved around reasons I shouldn’t stay. The alpha had been so nice to me, and now he was trying to give me his bed. Trying wasn’t even the right word, he was insisting I take the bed—his bed, in the cabin he was paying for with his money.
It wasn’t like I could even offer to pay my share. I didn’t even have $50 to my name, and no money coming in the foreseeable future. This place could easily cost a few hundred dollars a night. It was absolutely stunning and had more amenities than anyplace I’d ever even read about. Staying here felt like I was stealing from him and the longer he was gone, the more that ate at me.
Instead of sleeping, I opted to do what I could by cleaning up. The place wasn’t dirty, but I’d made it less tidy than when I arrived, and that I could fix. I found a broom in the closet and swept the floors, removing any dust that came in with us. I wiped down the bathroom as best as I could, making sure the fresh towels from under the sink were out for him. Then I organized the food. There was actually quite a bit more there than I’d realized, including an entire mini-pantry. A lot of meals could be made out of what was here if we got creative.