Page 3 of A Seed Of Peril
I was still hungry, leaning forward and kissing the area of his skin just above his hairline.
“No.” I dragged the tip of my tongue teasingly along his skin.
He then pulled me back up on my feet, tucking his cock back into his slacks. I held his suit lapels, admiring his eyes as the last of the red that colored them faded. Fastening his belt, he brought his mouth to my ear, his words almost making me come for a second time.
“I’m fucking you raw when I get home. You’re not the only one who’s still hungry.”
* * *
Bianca suggested makingme lunch today, and I couldn’t say no. I lacked any energy whatsoever to lift a frying pan, let alone throw together something as fast and simple as a salad or sandwich, and to be honest, a motherly meal sounded heavenly.
Walking back into my and Dominic’s bedroom—in a robe and my hair wrapped in a towel—I found Katrina sitting on the edge of the bed, happily kicking her legs as she waved, a smile on her face. She was so carefree, and it was continuously beautiful to witness. Bianca sat on the sofa eating one of her go-to meals—Caesar salad from the convenience store a few minutes away.
As soon as the scent of eggs found my nose, nausea hit me like a brick.
All my life leading up to the past couple weeks, I enjoyed eggs, preferably either fried or scrambled.
“I didn’t know if?—”
Bianca went quiet, her upbeat demeanor vanishing after I gagged and covered my mouth in a panic, turning around, clutching my towel and robe and running to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet.
“Oh, shit,” Bianca cursed herself from the bedroom. It went in one ear and out of the other as I was too busy puking. “I forgot, Lilith. I'm so sorry!”
“Will Lulu be okay, B?”
Sensing Bianca standing beside me, she reassured Katrina before closing the door.
“I really am sorry, Lilith.” Her guilt poured off her tongue. She knelt on the white tile floor at my side but still respected my space. I was grateful.
Certain I didn’t have to vomit anymore, I clutched my robe at my chest, slowly breathing in and out and leaning away from the toilet bowl, eventually maneuvering around so I sat back against it. I freed my hair from the towel and set it on the floor, while Bianca flushed the toilet for me.
“Are you alright?” she asked, worry and concern still plaguing her.
Nodding, I looked at her. Motherly concern glimmered in her eyes. Smiling some, I said, “I am now.”
We both shared an awkward laugh.
“It’s okay,” I assured her, readjusting against the toilet bowl. “Shit happens. Just please get those eggs out of there and open the windows.”
“Yes!” she exclaimed. Bianca then got off the floor and after a moment, helped me to my feet. I closed the toilet seat cover and then sat on it, taking a few more minutes to get my bearings.
The more time I spent with Dominic’s mother, the more she began reminding me of Nadia. To say it didn’t break my heart would’ve been a lie. The way Bianca made sure I was fed, even more so now with the baby coming. Her tender touch, like when I was sick just now; it wasn’t the first time she cared for me during one of my puke sessions. How she carried herself, her nature, even sometimes calling me “honey” made me do a double take.
I was finally content with Bianca being in our lives. Hell, I had even been mulling over the idea of asking her to be a godmother to the baby, which I still needed to bring up with Dominic.
Bianca also tended to frequently remind me of my mom more often than not. I missed Mom so fucking much. I fucking hated that she wasn’t here.
Becoming a mother myself opened the floodgates of memories of my mom and the longing for her presence. I only hoped I’d be a wonderful mother like she was.
Tears threatened to fall at the same time Bianca came back in the bathroom from the bedroom. She put the air freshener on top of the toilet, then kneeled beside me, placing one hand on my knee.
“I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to.” I could hear the soft smile in her words.
I rubbed the bridge of my nose, allowing the tears to fall. She gently put her arms around me, and I sank into her embrace. She didn’t talk—just held me—and I was thankful because I wasn’t ready to let her all the way into my heart and mind quite yet.
Minutes later, she said, “Let me get you some water.” I could only manage a nod. Letting me go, Bianca rose to her feet before stepping over to the sink to fill a small cup with water. When she offered me the cup, I gratefully took it from her. The cool water was refreshing to my dry throat. She gathered a washcloth and wet it under the sink, wringing it out. She folded it up lengthwise while walking back over to me and dabbed my face with it.
“Why don’t you take the rest of the day and stay in bed?” she suggested. “Rest will do you good.”