Page 100 of See It Through
We passed Tina and Teller sitting at a table with Brady, who was holding his head in his hands. I would have felt sorry for him if he wasn’t just as bad as his present company.
Cormac tossed a dart at our target with a hell of a lot more force than needed. “That guy pisses me off.”
I rolled my eyes. “I try not to think about him too much.”
Especially since there was no proving he was behind the shitty notes left on Remi’s truck. The cops had questioned him, but he’d denied it, as always, and since there’d been no witnesses, we were out of luck.
“Good idea.” He held out a dart to me. “Ready to lose?”
I snatched the dart, giving him a dirty glare. “As if that’s gonna happen.”
Cormac might’ve been my baby brother, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to kick his ass. He had some tricks, butI’dbeen the one to teach them to him.
After two rounds of darts—both won by me—Maccie gave me back my phone and went to the bar to order another drink. He was currently flirting with a little redhead who had to crane her neck so far back to look at him there was no way she wouldn’t have a crick by morning.
I smirked at her blush. So deep I could see it from the other side of the room. Maccie wasn’t a womanizer, but he was smooth, and I’d seen him have this effect on women more than once. I was simultaneously proud and grossed out.
Lucky for me, my phone vibrated with a text from Remi.
Remi:Hey, sweetheart. I’m gonna head over there in a half hour or so. Want me to stop by Joy’s or meet at your place?
I started typing out a reply when a sudden screech stopped me in my tracks. My head jerked up, stunned at what was happening on the dance floor.
Teller had Tina by the hair, dragging her away from a slack-jawed Brady. Tina stumbled back with her, swatting at her friend’s hands, trying to disentangle herself from her hold.
“You bitch.” Teller jerked Tina’s head around like a rag doll. “How could you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tina cried. “I swear it, T. I don’t—”
“Oh yeah, you do. You think I didn’t see you grinding on my fuckin’ husband the second I stepped away to the bathroom? You think I didn’t notice your lipstick in his truck’s cup holder last week? I wasn’t born yesterday, Tina!”
Brady just stood there like a dolt, his arms limp at his sides, his mouth agape, while Teller abused Tina’s scalp. To be fair, pretty much every patron in Joy’s had the same expression. Tina and Teller were thick as thieves and had always been that way. If they ever fought, it sure wasn’t done publicly.
“You always were a slut,” Teller shrieked. “I should’ve known you had no loyalty.”
“I am loyal, crazy face.” Tina batted frantically at Teller’s arms, trying desperately to break free. “Let me go and maybe I’ll think about forgiving you.”
Finally, Brady jerked himself out of his stupor and vaulted into the fray, grabbing his wife around the waist. “Come on, Tell. Let’s go home and talk this out.”
“Don’t you touch me!” Teller went wild, spitting and bucking, keeping hold of Tina with one hand and clawing at Brady with the other. “You did this too, you bastard. You really thought I didn’t know? You’re so stupid, Brady!”
Shame draped over me for gawking at Teller’s clear misery like it was a sideshow. Sure, she was making a spectacle of herself, but that didn’t mean I had to line up to buy tickets.
Spinning around in my seat, I tried to tune them out and replied to Remi’s text.
Me:Hey, honey. I’m going to head out pretty soon. I’ll meet you at the apartment. xoxo
His reply came almost instantly.
Remi:We’re finished here. I’m on my way now. Btw, I like that you didn’t call your place home.
Me:My home is you, that’s why.
Remi:Aw, baby, you’re gonna get it. Love you. See you soon.
Me:Love you too, Remington.
Cormac’s shadow eclipsed the overhead lights, drawing my eyes up to him. “That smile can only mean one thing, Remi’s coming soon.”