Page 21 of Obey
At the same moment she whispers “kiss me,” I’m already in motion backing her against the wall. Caging her in, I brace my hands either side of her face.
Her head’s craned up to me. “What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to kiss me?” Her lip catches between her teeth. “Kind of feels like you might.” She rocks against me, drawing a growl from deep within my chest.
I lean down so our noses are almost touching. My breath makes her hair ripple, and I can smell the hot chocolate and sugar on her tongue and lips. “Of course I want to kiss you. You’re a beautiful woman, Talia. My problem is I want to do more than kiss you, and once I start, it’ll be hard to stop.”
Her sharp intake of air would be comical if I couldn’t see the flicker of lust that shimmers in her eyes.
“And kissing isn’t on your to-do list.” I can’t help but play with her, just a little.
She smirks, and I’ll be fucking damned if it doesn’t speak right to my crotch. She might be vanilla, but that spark, that glimmer of fight, that steel backbone she keeps flashing glimpses of, drives me fucking wild.
As I lean down to brush my lips against hers, I’m met with the palm of her hand.
Chapter Eight
My heart thuds against my ribcage as his head pulls away from mine.
“What’s wrong?” He backs up away from me without hesitation. Holding his hands up like he doesn’t want his actions to be misconstrued. Is this club procedure, or a him thing? Either way, it’s cute. And all-the-way reassuring.
“I don’t want you to kiss me like I’ve never been kissed before.”
His head cants, and he gestures like I should continue.
“Kiss me like you’ve kissed me a million times over.”
He takes a step toward me, the air around him becoming electric, sizzling with anticipation.
“Kiss me like I’m a seasoned submissive who knows what she’s doing.”
Another step, and my inclination is to retreat. But there’s a solid wall behind me, so all I do is remind myself I’m trapped as this animalistic man prowls toward me.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” His question is almost a snarl, a warning, a threat, all wrapped up with a lust-charged bow. His eyes hold me hostage, I’m defenseless, can’t look away.
I might draw blood if I bite down on my lip any harder, but I nod, despite myself. What the heck am I doing? It’s one thing to read about these kinds of experiences in a book, it’s another to talk about doing them, it’s yet another still to actually invite a man into my space to touch my person.
But the way he looks at me, still holding me captive, the untamed glint in his eye, the hunger, the way his lips curl at one side, the way his pants tent from his growing erection... it all leads me to believe he wants me. And that feels nice.
Plus, when in my life will I ever get this opportunity again? The chance for no strings, no judgment learning? I never have to see this man again beyond later tonight, or tomorrow when I leave this place.
What happens at the dark and mysterious s-e-x club, stays at the dark and mysterious s-e-x club, right?
And just because I’m inviting him to kiss me, doesn’t mean I’m inviting him to do more than that. What’s in a kiss? It’s not like he can make me lose all sense of self and convince me to do anything more untoward with a stranger. Right? I know who he is, and where he works, and while it’s naive as all get out to trust him... I can’t help it.
There’s that feral glimmer in his chocolate-brown eyes again. I’m not actually sure anymore. I’m already off-balance.
“What do you do for a living?”
“Other than work here?” He’s not looking away, in fact, he’s looking at me like he knows I’m stalling for time. But the air thickens. He’s so close, his breath’s tickling my skin. There’s that scent again, too, pine needles and something else.
I nod my head.
“I’m a mechanic.”
Ah ha! Motor oil. That’s what the undertones in his scent are. It explains the black streaks across his dark wash jeans, and the dirt under his nails.