Page 25 of Obey
I hitch a shoulder. “Yeah. Though there’s a switch on the wall that can make that two way glass opaque for those who want to fuck next to their friends.”
The way she flinches every time I drop the F-bomb is so cute. It makes me want to say it in every sentence until she becomes desensitized to it. Wonder if she’d flinch as hard if my mouth was on her when I said it.
No amount of trying to force pure thoughts is making my boner deflate. I’m like a fucking high schooler in gym class.
When we’re done layering blankets on her bed, I fold back the sheets for her to climb in. She looks at her bed, then mine. “You didn’t put any blankets on your bed.”
I’m hoping the cold will make my cock shrivel overnight. “I’ll be fine. I run warm.” There’s a fucking blizzard outside, no one’s warm. But this tiny elf woman is so cold she definitely needs them more than I do.
She doesn’t look convinced, but she slips off her shoes and climbs into bed fully dressed. She’s there half a beat before she bounds back off the mattress. “Where’s the bathroom? I need to pee.”
After a short trip to the restroom, we both climb into bed. My fingers, toes, and nose are really starting to realize it’s fucking cold out. I steady myself for Little Miss Chatty Cathy to start a rapid round of questions now that she’s settled for the night, but she stays quiet, which makes me even more uncomfortable than her prying into my fucking life.
A few long, quiet moments pass between us before I hear it. Her fucking teeth are still chattering. Either that or she’s crying.
Another moment later, and it sounds like she’s running a marathon inside the bed under all those blankets.
“The fuck?”
Something resembling a giggle bursts out of her. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to get warm, I think the cold settled all the way in my bone marrow.” Her whiny voice makes me smile in the darkness.
“I could come over there.”
Her gasp damn near shreds the air between us. “No, it’s fine.”
There. I offered. I’ve done my due diligence. If I wake up six feet from a beautiful corpse in the morning that’s on her. Not me. Right?
Fuck sake.
I drag my ass off the bed and cross the space. My weight on the mattress is what alerts her to my presence and even thoughthere are only two of us in the building, even though there’s a snow storm outside, and even though she knows who I am, she screams like I’m Jack the fucking Ripper.
I end up closer to her ear than I expected as I shush her. “It’s only me, Half-Pint.”
“I t-t-told you n-n-no.” She did tell me no, and under normal circumstances that would be enough.
“I don’t want to answer questions from the police about your cold, dead body in the morning.”
She giggles, relaxing her back against my chest. I didn’t mean for us to snuggle, just to share the same bed, but she’s already invading my space. She wastes no time reaching a hand back to grab my arm and curl it around her waist.
“Relax, Mr. Grumpypants, I’m using you for your body... heat.” She giggles again, and I’m loath to admit, the sound that grated on every raw nerve earlier feels nice in the cold, dark room.
She smacks the back of my hand, making my eyes snap open. “Just don’t get handsy, you hear?”
Chapter Ten
Please get handsy.
Please get handsy.
Please get handsy.
I don’t know how long I’ve been lying with a giant grump man curled around me in this bed, but I’m finally starting to get feeling back in my fingers and feet. For a while, I thought he had his phone in bed with him until I realized that thing digging into me was his peen.
Even though we only had s-e-x one time, I’ve slept in the same bed as Harry sometimes. He was never hard like this for me. So either it’s a general guy thing, and Harry was defective—Please Lord let Harry be defective—or the giant grump man is hard for me.
A rumbling growl alerts me to the fact said giant grump man isn’t as asleep as I thought he was. His breath tickles my face as he huffs out warm air. “Are you done wiggling and fidgeting?”