Page 44 of Obey
A groan. “Talia?”
“Get the fuck out of your head.”
“Yes,sir.” I keep waiting for him to tell me to stop that, but he hasn’t. I need to be careful not to get too attached to it.
Dropping my head back onto the bed, I clear my mind, focusing only on Jagger’s fluttering licks against my clit. A shiver skates up my spine, and something deep inside me starts to grow.
When he hums his approval against me, I know he knows I’m close. My hips buck, knuckles whiten from gripping the bed oneither side of me as he drives me relentlessly closer and closer to my second orgasm.
Like the first, it hits out of nowhere. A wild, fractured shriek breaks from me as liquid pours from my body. Another hum of approval, but I have no time to enjoy it because he’s already slipping his fingers inside me.
When he presses what I think is my G-spot, it’s game over. I come again, harder, deeper, wailing and mumbling, shaking, trembling, sweat coating my entire body, my hair stuck to my face, my legs locked so tightly around his head I’m not sure how he’s still breathing.
I can’t go on, but I don’t want to stop. I’ve never had three in a row before. Shouldn’t that be enough? Isn’t more than one greedy? If Jagger thought I was being greedy wouldn’t he have stopped by now? Does he expect me to give him more blow jobs to make up the balance?
He growls, a visceral, feral, noise as he thrusts his hand in and out against my G-spot making me whimper. I’m a passenger. My body won’t quit until he does. And I have no idea how much staying power he’s got, but considering I’m on three, I’d say a lot.
He’s not letting up, his fingers and tongue move together in a blissful harmony that resonates at my body’s favorite frequency. I’m close again, I don’t know how. I’ve never come so many times in such a short space of time, but I’m not going to ask how he does it.
My toes lock up, my calves tighten, my legs lock around his head as my body starts bouncing off the mattress. I don’t have energy for screaming, but my mouth opens in a silent wail as he thrusts me over the edge of ecstasy once again.
I must fall asleep. All I get are flashes of warmth between my legs as something brushes against my skin, sweet, soft kissesacross my forehead, warmth of praise being whispered while Jagger takes care of me.
At some point I’m in his arms. I don’t think I have legs anymore.
He shushes me, tightening his arms around my body, curling himself around me.
“The bed’s wet. I ruined the bed.”
“Shhhhh. Come on, pretty girl. Slow your mind. I’ve taken care of everything. It’s okay.”
He sighs. Putting something to my mouth and encouraging me to drink. After a few gulps of water, he resettles me in his arms. “I put my towel under you while you were talking to Harry. I’ve cleaned you up, put your pants back on, and I’d really like for you to take a nap for me. Please? That was a lot.”
“Mmmkay.” I melt into his hold.
“That’s a good girl. Just sleep.” He strokes my face with his thumb. “I’ve got you.”
Chapter Fifteen
Fucking fuck fuck fuckity fucking mother fucking fuck.
I’m in trouble.
I probably should have stopped at making her come once. But I guess her relentless curiosity rubbed off on me in such close quarters because I couldn’t help but wonder how she’d react to multiples. And once I got a taste of her... It was out of my control. I was a man possessed.
She was amazing. From the salty-sweet musk of her sopping wet pussy, to her communication, her noises, her reactions, her relenting, giving in to my demands and letting me lead. Everything, from start to finish she was perfect.
And let’s not even talk about how eager she was to suck me dry.
A growl rolls through my chest as I flush and wash my hands. She can’t be perfect. She’s vanilla, Harry’s ex, Miss. Prim-and-proper and everything handed to her on a silver platter.