Page 59 of Obey
I can’t figure out how to get my tongue to form questions, so I stay silent.
“A little is a submissive that is more of a child-at-heart submissive. One who leans into their child-like nature.”
That definitely sounds like me.
“Do you remember calling me Daddy last night, baby girl?” His voice is soft, like he’s talking to an actual child. “You’ve nothing to be embarrassed about, and I’m not mad, so keep breathing for me, okay?”
“Do you remember?”
I nod, and before I can stop myself words trickle out of my mouth. “I’ve wanted to say it almost every time.”
He nods. “I saw it on your list, but I wasn’t sure if you understood the context, or if it was just ‘cause you saw it in a book.”
“Definitely the latter. I fought it. But earlier, I couldn’t fight anything. Not words, not orgasms, not my deep-seated upbringing. It just came out. I’m sorry.” My voice sounds distant, lazy and slow almost like I’m drunk.
“Shhhhh.” He nuzzles into my wet hair. “That’s not why I brought it up.” He squeezes his arms around me, making the water slosh against the sides. “I wasn’t really kinky with my wife. We dabbled, but I only discovered the lifestyle after she passed. One reason I fell in love with the kink community was because everyone was so accepting. I didn't have to downplay the color of my skin or the way I grew up around them. People took the time to get to know me, not just what I could do for them or give them. The kink community wanted me not just to feel powerful, but to be powerful. No one ever wanted to diminish me. And I never want to diminish you.”
He takes a huge breath, like saying all that was physically exhausting. “I can’t imagine Caitlin identifying as a little, nor have I ever sought littles out to play with. You’re different.”
I’ve always been different. I ready myself for the barb, the backhanded compliment, the ‘but’ I’m sure is coming.
“Turns out I liked when you called me that earlier. It felt like something clicked into place inside my body. And if you’re open to it, I’d like to explore that with you.”
His words are warmer on my skin than the pool of water we’re lying in.
His chuckle makes my body shudder in the water. “Yes, baby girl. Exclusive. Just us. And whatever’s left on your dirty bucket list and beyond.”
I like that idea.
He clears his throat, and I tense. “What is it?”
“I don’t want to give up my role as a dominant in Protocol. So if being exclusive with you means I have to give that up, I don’t think I can.”
I love his honesty. I also hadn’t considered that. “I don’t want you to give up something you love, just to be with me. But can we set some boundaries?”
“Of course.” He sighs as though he’s relieved. “We don’t have to talk about them right now, but I’d suggest at least no fucking other women and no tongue kissing.”
I like that idea, too.
I must fall asleep again. When I come to, the water around me is much cooler than it was when I dozed off. Jagger seems to have been content enough to stay in the tub and sit watching over me while I napped.
We get out, he dries me off, helps me get changed and settles me on the couch with water and the remote before he starts to towel himself off.
A sharp knock sounds at the door, followed by an aggressive tap, tap, tap stream of additional and wholly unnecessary thwaps.
Jagger wraps a towel around his waist as a familiar voice sounds through the room. “Talia? Are you in there?”
Jagger looks at me as the blood drains from my body. Harry is outside the door, and if Jagger doesn’t open it soon, my ex-fiancé sounds like he’s going to break the dang thing down.
Chapter Nineteen
I’d know that pretentious prick’s voice anywhere. It haunted me for four years of college and beyond.