Page 62 of Obey
“Thanks, Steph, that would be great.”
“And what can I get the rest of you?”
“Just a pot of coffee with three mugs please, Steph. And if you have any pastries back there, we’ll take a mixed selection.”
“Sure thing, sugar.” Steph pauses for a moment before leaving. It’s like all my new friends are trying to save me from my parents and ex. It’s cute, heart-warming, but unnecessary.
I don’t need saving.
“Well? Did you?”
I swivel in my seat so I can face Harry square-on. “I don’t owe you an answer to that, Harry. Our relationship is over. But no, I haven’t had sex with Jagger. I met him a couple days ago. I leave that level of casual frivolity to you.”
I don’t like sounding like I’m shaming him, but I want him to feel shame. I don’t care where he dips his quill, but he dipped in someone else’s inkwell while he was with me.That, I care about. And heshouldbe ashamed of that.
“Talia.” Mama’s voice holds caution, but she should be on my side, not his.
If she’s not, then screw her, too.
“No, Mama.”
She balks.
“I am not happy with Harry. I don’t love him, I don’t want to be with him, and you should certainly not want me to be with someone who cheats on me and disrespects me like that.” I turn to Daddy. “I know there’s business tied up in this Daddy, but honestly, I’ve done a lot of thinking, and I’m sorry, but I don’t care. That’s your problem, not mine. I’m not signing myself away to a cheating scumbag in the name of your business. And while I’m at it, it’s despicable that you’d ask me to.”
My parents have the decency to at least blush.
“And you.” I turn my attention back to Harry-the-butt. “I don’t belong to you. I never did.”
He counters. “You wore my promise ring, which I so happened to notice hanging around your new fling’s neck.”
“I didn’t need it anymore, Harry. I kept up my side of the promise. I wasn’t the one who broke it. You did. That’s on you, not me. If you want the ring back...” I shrug, a smile tickling the corners of my mouth. “You’ll have to take it up with Jagger.”
Harry’s mouth drops open. “You get a haircut and whore yourself at the first asshole you meet, and suddenly you’re a mouthy slut.”
A number of things happen at the same time. Dad jumps to his feet muttering protests and knocking over a glass full of water, Mama gasps, fanning herself with her hand like the S-word has made her so uncomfortable she feels queasy, and Jagger appears beside me and grabs Harry by the throat, picking him up out of his seat like he weighs nothing.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry as I bolt out of my chair. “Jagger.” If I’m not mistaken, one of the old ladies across the room whoops. But that might be the buzzing in my ears making me hear things.
He growls. “I warned you, you piece of shit.”
Harry’s face is already turning red. Jagger isn’t playing.
“Jagger, please.” I touch his arm, and his eyes swing to mine, they’re swimming with an unhinged anger, which if I’m honest, is pretty hot. What the heck is wrong with me? Those dirty books have clearly shifted my moral compass, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Harry kicks out a leg, which makes Jagger put him down on the ground, but he keeps hold of his Ralph Lauren sweater like he’s afraid Harry might flee.
I don’t blame him, Jagger is a scary beast right now. I wouldn’t want to cross him. But I’m not afraid of him. I guess it’s because there’s a voice inside me yelling he’s doing this for me. Harry disrespected me, insulted me, and instead of making memarry him, like my parents are trying to do, he’s protecting me, avenging me.
Jagger’s whole body is vibrating, he’s snarling at Harry. “That was your freebie. If I ever hear you speak to her like that again, your life is over. Are we clear?” He snorts. “If it was up to me, you’d be done already.”
He slams Harry down onto the chair. “Say whatever the fuck you need to and then leave. I don’t care that your parents work together, I don’t care that you might see each other at holiday parties or wherever the hell you might cross paths. From now on, her name stays out of your mouth, you hear me? Period. You don’t talk about her, to her, or come within fifteen feet of her.”
Harry, still shaking and tugging at the collar of his shirt, guffaws out a laugh. “And how are you going to enforce that?” He jerks a thumb at Jagger, looking to my parents for back up. “This prick’s a psychopath.”
Mama won’t look at him, but Daddy’s face is so red, and he’s scowling so hard I can almost see new frown-lines appearing on his forehead.
Jagger plants a hand on the table in front of Harry and leans over him. The eyes of everyone in this restaurant are on us, the guests, the staff... everyone.