Page 76 of Obey
I’m not sure if she’s saying it to both of them, or more to Kenzie because she’s a woman, or if she’s just saying it out loud because the burden of holding it is heavy, and she needs to share.
“Did you like it?” Slade’s voice makes her head snap up. Was she expecting ridicule? Judgment? Shame? Those vibes don’t belong between these walls.
She nods.
“Use your words, baby girl. You’re safe here.”
Her body softens in my arms. “I did like it.”
“Did you?” He turns his attention to put me on the spot. “You don’t have a Daddy kink.”
Talia threads her fingers into mine at my answer, squeezing my hand with her tiny one.
Slade’s face breaks into a genuine smile. There’s not a trace of wisecrack on his face. “I’m super happy for you both.”
Talia melts into my arms, I can tell without seeing her face she’s smiling back at Slade.
“Also here if you need any help or guidance. Or even if you simply need someone to talk to. Always.” His voice is firm, assuring. I already know all of this, I know the man, and I know there’s no one better suited to be a coach or mentor than Slade. “I’m totally curious what’s on your bucket list, too.”
Talia giggles. Kenzie smacks Slade. “Leave them alone, that’s over the line.”
“It’s okay.” Talia waves her off. “It’s probably beginner stuff for y’all anyway.”
Kenzie shakes her head. “And so what if it is? We all started somewhere, didn’t we?”
From the way Kenzie leans into my woman, holding her hand as she assures her there’s no shame in being a newbie, I find myself curious about her sexuality. From her bucket list, I know my little Half-Pint is curious about kissing another woman, and of all the women I know, Kenzie would be a perfect first-time, same-sex kiss.
Slade takes a slug of his drink right at the same time Talia finds her voice. “I’d like to be double penetrated.”
Slade sprays his drink, coughing and spluttering having seemingly breathed the bubbly liquid in. Kenzie raises her hand to hi-five Talia, and when he’s done recovering the ability to breathe, he raises his hand too. “I volunteer as tribute.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
It’s been two days since Talia announced she wanted to be double penetrated at the club in front of Slade. Have to admit, I wasn’t expecting my little Half-Pint to come out of her shell as quickly as she did.
But at the same time, Protocol does that to people. Slade’s built such a comfortable space that we lean into it across the board.
After the club, I followed her home, kissed her at the door, and gave her some space. Overcrowding someone, or kink-bombing them can be overwhelming, but in truth, she’s all I can think about.
“Huh?” I jump, hitting my head on the underside of the hood of the 2020 Camry I’m working on, sending a sharp jolt of pain through my brain. “Fuck. Shit. Ow. What?” I snarl at one of the other mechanics who work at my shop.
“Visitor, Boss.” Devin jerks a thumb over his shoulder pointing to the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen.
“Wow. You’re a sight for sore eyes, Half-Pint.”
Devin watches me curiously from under the hood of a Mustang, but he doesn’t matter right now. Nothing matters but Talia.
She’s wrapped up in a beanie with a puffball on top, a scarf, an oversized coat, snow boots, and two wild eyes peek out at me from between the top of her scarf and the bottom of her hat. She’s adorable. She’s dressed like she’s going to take on Everest.
I can’t help chuckling. “You wanna explain why you’re wearing your whole wardrobe?”
“Bessie’s heat is broken.”