Page 20 of Outlaws’ Runaway
“Climb up behind me.”
I reach out, almost putting my hand on his shoulder and then pull back. “Maybe I should just ride in the van.” I feel like I knowhim a little better now after the talk we had before the others returned, but this feels different. Intimate.
“Come on, kitten. You know you want to,” he says, the dare clear in his voice.
“Why would you call me that?”
“Because you’re only fucking twenty and you’re already down about three lives because you keep sticking that curious little nose into things.”
“Doesn’t that mean I should be more careful, not less?” I am pretty curious. About what it feels like to ride a motorcycle… and about him between my legs while I’m doing it. I don't know what it is about them that makes everything feel like it wraps around to sex, but being around them is like going to the beach on a hot day, when the sun is beating down on your skin and you can almost feel the pull of the cool water before you even dip in a toe.
“Fuck that,” Poe says with a snort. “Use ‘em all. I don’t know what happens after we die, but I’m pretty damn sure nobody’s handing out bonus points for the risks you didn’t take.”
That sounds like a very biker point of view. “Okay, okay.” I climb onto the back, using Savage as leverage to get into place on the seat behind him. When I’ve settled in with my legs on either side of his, I have to work very hard on not remembering the end of my dream, when his hips had mine spread wide and he was about to—”Where do I hold on?” the question comes out in an embarrassing squeak.
“To me, kitten.”
“Uh, okay.” I try to get a good grip on his vest without getting too close.
Savage takes my hands and pulls me right up to him, wrapping my arms around his chest. It puts me flush against his back with his tight butt squeezed in between the insides of my thighs. “Don’t be shy. You want a good grip.”
Poe laughs. “Nice and firm.”
“Not everything’s about sex!” I snap.
“Isn’t it?” And that's when Savage starts the bike.
The sudden roar makes me gasp and clutch him harder, digging my nails into his leather. The motorcycle rumbles to life, and the vibration feels way better than it has any right to. My hips are dying to move, but I take a deep breath and relax into the warmth of Savage’s back. I glance over at Poe. The smoldering look and cocky smirk he sends my way makes me think he knows exactly what I’m feeling right now.
Crank starts the van and pulls out. Poe follows him closely, and then Savage with me clinging to him with a death grip. The rumble of the engines turns into a roar as we get out on the main road. By the time we're on the highway, I’m riding the high of feeling the wind rush over me as the steady vibrations of the bike surge through my legs and drive heat right into my core.
If this thing makes me orgasm on the way, I'm going to roll right off and die.
But what a way to go.
Damn,Paige looks good with her tan legs straddling Savage’s bike and her sun streaked hair whipping in the wind. She’s fucking made to ride. I can’t even be pissed that Savage called first rights, because it means I get to watch her fall in love with the road. There's nothing better than the wind in your face, the sun at your back and a wide open highway on a hot summer day.
Are there times when the weather’s shit and the days are so long that a desk job and an SUV start to sound tempting? Sure, but it never lasts. I would die a little each day in a life like that. The second I walk into the club and someone throws me a beer, or the sun hits me on a day like today, I know in my bones I made the right choice.
Paige looks my way with a wild grin. She’s clinging to Savage like she's about to blow off any moment and she doesn’t care one bit. She’s got a lesson coming, though. Her legs are going to be fucking jello later. It’s a long ride back. Maybe she’ll let me massage them back to life.
I slide in behind them so I can enjoy the rear view. I’m really fucking glad we aren’t turning her in. We almost walked awayafter meeting her in the diner. If it hadn’t been for worrying about the other hunters, we might’ve. The whole situation felt off from the start, but now I don’t have to feel fucking guilty about wondering what her ass would feel like in my hands.
Shit, it was hard to ignore the noises she was making when it was my turn to watch her last night. Either her dreams were bad, or really damn good.
Don’t know why I fucking read her to sleep. I’ve never done that for anyone before. It just felt right.
There’s a change in the constant noise of the road that triggers my instincts. I look over my shoulder and see several cars and motorcycles that look too coordinated to be a random burst of traffic. They’re using both lanes, blocking anyone else from passing. What the fuck?
I pull up next to Savage and point behind us. I can't hear what he says when he looks over, but everyone knows what the shape of “Fuck” looks like on someone’s lips. He tilts his head, ordering me back to run cover with Crank. At this point, we’ve worked together so long that we can almost read each other's minds.
I let myself fall back until I’m right next to Crank in the driver's seat. He's got the music on so fucking loud he hasn't noticed me, at least not until I slam my palm into the side of the door. He raises his eyebrows in question, and I point behind us.
He checks the mirrors and frowns. Whatever's coming, it’s gonna get real fucking messy.