Page 30 of Outlaws’ Runaway
Except his cock is still standing hard and proud, and it's not fair to leave him like that, especially after what he just did for me. I start to slide down the bed, but he stops me. “You need sleep.”
“But you?—”
“Baby, I'll be fine. This was for you, and you're fucking exhausted. If you're gonna be sucking me off, I don't want you falling asleep right in the middle of it.” He grins. “Get some sleep, and we can pick things up in the morning, if you want.”
He starts to pull away, and I grab his arm. “Don't go. Please. Stay with me.”
“Okay. If that's where you want me.”
“It is.” I pull his arm back around me and roll over until we're spooning. The position doesn’t make me any less aware of the massive erection he’s sporting. “You're sure you don't want me to?—”
“In the morning.” He tucks it against my back, then settles his head into the crook of my neck.
“In the morning,” I repeat sleepily.
The last thing I hear him mumble is, “You were right about the couch, by the way.”
I thought so.
Heavy knockingon the door wakes both of us up. Poe still has his arm around me, and at some point during the night it shifted so he could cup my boob. There's a casual, sexy familiarity in that that makes me grin.
More knocking on the door, and Savage yells, “Poe! Get your ass out of bed!”
So much for ‘in the morning’.
“Jesus Christ, this better be good,” grumbles Poe, but he pulls the covers back and throws his legs over the side to stand.
My breath catches at the sight of his naked body, fully on display in the sunlit room. He’s facing away, but the back view is amazing. And I finally see the end of his dragon, where the tail actually winds down past his perfect, tight ass and ends in a spike on the back of his thigh. He pulls his long hair back, then goes to get the door.
Still butt naked.
A moment later, the guys come in. “Put some fucking pants on,” Crank says. “We’ve got business.”
That has me scrambling out of bed in a hurry. I'm not as free as Poe, so I grab the t-shirt he gave me off the floor, and hurry across the room to put on my shorts from yesterday. It’s all I have until I get the rest of my meager wardrobe back.
Savage and Crank both watch me, making no attempt to be discreet about it. Or about the fact that they’re appreciating the view.
Poe is still naked, and going through his makeshift dresser. And he's still half hard. Doesn't it bother him to let his buddies catch him like that? They don’t seem to care much either, aside from being mildly annoyed at the time it’s taking. I wonder what they think happened last night. It’s pretty obvious something did, and I’m not sure how I feel about them knowing. I’m not ashamed, but it feels a little like shutting two doors before knowing which one I want to go through.
Savage holds up his phone. He points at me. “You need to be quiet. I’ll explain later. As far as the people on the other line are concerned, you have been located, but you aren’t here yet. Got it?”
I nod, determined not to screw up whatever they've got going.
Poe returns, still barefoot, but wearing jeans and a tight black T-shirt. He nods.
Savage unmutes his phone. “Alright, my team’s all here. We’re ready to deal.”
“About damn time.” The voice is deep and smooth, almost oily. “For calling yourself professionals, you people could use somelessons in doing business.” I can totally imagine him putting air quotes around “professionals.”
“Maybe that’s so, but how about you get off your high horse and tell us who you are, instead of shit-talking. All I know is that you're calling from Walter Holland's phone and I’m pretty fucking sure you aren’t Walt.” Savage's tone is hard and no-nonsense.
The man on the other end sighs deeply, like dealing with us is a burden on his day. “Stefano Fabbri. You might not know me, but I'm sure you've heard of the Fabbri Family.”
Crank shrugs and looks at Poe, who shakes his head.