Page 9 of Loving Her
“What? It’s true, Mommy.”
“That’s because Seth is a kid like you. Breaker is a grown man. It doesn’t work that way.”
“It doesn’t?” she asks, but she’s looking at me and not her mother.
“Afraid not,” I murmur, my lips twitching as I fight the urge to laugh. I wouldn’t hurt her feelings for anything.
“Well, that sucks,” Tinny whines, completely disappointed.
“What? It does, Mommy! I was hoping Breaker could be my big brother. All my friends have them. I wanted one.”
“I may not survive you being home,” Indy mutters under her breath, turning back to the stove.
“There’s no school?” I ask.
“We’re on Fall Break!” Tinny announces.
“It’s Fall?” I ask, a sudden pain in my right temple. I didn’t even realize what time of year it was. It looks sunny outside. I just assumed it was. I didn’t give the time of year a second’s notice. There’s so much I don’t know that I suppose I thought the seasons were the least of my worries. I see pity flash in Indy’sbeautiful blue eyes and instantly hate it. That’s the last emotion I want her to feel toward me.
“Yeah. It’s the second day of October.”
“Oh.” I don’t really know what to say to that.
“Do you want to work puzzles with me?” Tinny asks.
“Yes! I got lots of them! Do you wanna?”
“Tinny, Breaker is a guest here. He may not feel like working puzzles. Why don’t we let him eat in peace?”
“Okay, Mommy,” she responds, looking dejected. She goes back to looking at her plate of pancakes, which have been cut into smaller bites. There’s also a heaping amount of whipped cream beside them. Don’t take a rocket scientist to see what she loves to dip her pancakes in.
“I can probably work puzzles after I talk with your mom about some things. After we eat, you can go get the puzzles ready and I’ll join you soon as Doc and I talk about a few things.”
“You mean it?”
“Sure do,” I laugh as she nods her head excitedly. Apparently, Tinny is in full agreement.
“I didn’t realize you wanted to talk to me today,” Indy speaks up. “I’m kind of pressed for time. I have some appointments at the clinic.”
“It won’t take long, I promise,” I assure her. She stares at me for a minute and then nods her head. A moment later she’s walking over and puts a plate of four huge pancakes, three pieces of sausage, and side of scrambled eggs in front of me. “This looks really good. I appreciate it. I’m sorry to be so much trouble.” I stare up at her and slowly her features start to soften.
“It’s going to be okay. You’ll be on your feet in no time,” she replies.
I hope she’s right. I need her to view me as a man—not a charity case.
Chapter 7
I wish I knew what makes me so nervous around Breaker. He’s not a threat—I’d be willing to bet on that. There’s something about him, though, that makes me feel nervous—like I’m out of my depth. I don’t understand my reaction to him. It’s bothering me because that’s not the person I am. I’m self-assured and I don’t let anyone get to me. My ex enjoyed that way too much. I’ll never allow anyone to do that to me again. My daughter needs to see what a strong woman looks like and what she accomplishes. I want Tinny to understand that she can do anything by herself. She doesn’t need anyone.
Still, once Iva shows up and takes Tinny into the living room, I go into the guest room where Breaker is staying. Jeff looks up as I open the door. “Hey Jeff. Could I get you to unload the horse feed and corn in the back of pickup and stock up the feed room in the barn? I normally do it myself, but I need to talk with Breaker and I’m running late to be at the clinic as it is.”