Page 26 of Whiskey & Honey
As the final song ends, I begin to pull away. Ben clears his throat to say something but is interrupted. “Well done, you two. Captain asshole and his friends left. I guess he figured out Piper wasn’t interested. Thanks for taking one for the team, Ben.” Ashton has managed to separate us and is standing between us as the music switches over to something faster.
I offer Ashton a small smile, the kind that is forced and not sincere. I feel disappointed that our moment has passed but that’s exactly what has happened.
“I think I’m going to call it a night, Ash.”
“No! What? Why? Come onnnnn…Pipes, stay. Please!”
“I’m just exhausted and since I didn’t exactly know we were doing something tonight I didn’t plan on being out late. I have so much to do and besides we leave in like forty hours for the lake. You stay and have fun. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I grab her and hug her before I turn toward Ben. “Thanks for the dance. I appreciate the intervention from Tony. I guess I’ll see you later.”
Before either of them can respond I return to the table and grab my things. There are usually a few cabs outside Country Road and I manage to grab one immediately. Once I’m safely inside the car, I am overwhelmed with exhaustion. My anxiety has been through the roof since I found those damn roses on my car. If I thought for a second I was going to convince myself they weren’t from Tony, I was mistaken.
As I’m leaning my head back and massaging my temples, wishing it was a real massage, my phone alerts a text. Actually a few in succession.
Ashton: Did ou mae hm!
Ben: Just wanted to see if you made it home safe.
Ben: I think Ash is trying to text you. I’m going to help her.
Ashton: Did you make it home safe?
I smile to myself as the cab pulls up in front of my apartment. I thank the cab driver and pay before exiting. Once I’m safely in my apartment I pull up the text messages, choosing to respond to Ashton before Ben.
Me: I’m home. Have fun and happy b-day. Love you.
Me: I’m home. Thanks for helping her.
Ashton: Luv u 2
Ben: Of course. Sleep well, Princess.
Me: Night, Cowboy.
Ben: I enjoyed having you in my arms.
Is Bentley Sullivan flirting with me? Surely he isn’t.
Ben:Hope for another soon.
Ben: Yes, I’m flirting. Now I have to get the birthday girl some water. Night.
I only allow myself a smile in response to the last text message. Once I have my boots off, I head to my bedroom. Sleep beckons me and my pillow is lonely.
I need to have a conversation with Ben this weekend; the flirting needs to stop.
The best part of our weekend at the lake is the three full days we are out of communication from the outside world. Aside from the land line in Jameson’s cabin we have no phone service. I also use the term cabin loosely. Really, it’s a large bedroom with a bathroom (yay) and a kitchenette where we happily brew coffee (double yay). The worst part of our weekend, well there are actually two, the first is that at the lake we sleep in tents and the second is that it means we are at the end of summer and I go back to work. I love what I do but come on, it’s summer.
Up before the birds, I’m enjoying a cup of coffee while I wait for Ashton to pick me up. After Ben’s flirtatious text messages the other night, I have hardly slept. I’m overwhelmed with feelings I shouldn’t have. Something about being in his presence puts me at ease. The way his voice settles over me is both comforting and panty melting. How can one man’s voice send goosebumps all over my body in sexual desire and comfort me like a familiar blanket?
My phone goes off with a text from Ashton telling me she’s downstairs. I grab my duffel and pillow before locking up and heading downstairs. I stop suddenly at the bottom step when I look up and see Ben standing next to his truck. He begins walking toward me but I’m stuck in place.
“Morning, Princess. Let me take your stuff.”
I silently hand him my bag. “I’ll keep my pillow, thanks.”
I follow him to the truck, and as I approach I see Ashton in the front seat.