Page 35 of Whiskey & Honey
“It’s not silly. He seems like a sweet boy. I promise to look after him. May I ask where his parents are?” Not that I really want to see his mother but I should at least ask.
“His father is away on business. Mr. Thorne travels a lot for his company and is only home a few days a month. Mrs. Remington-Thorne is with Jacob’s sister, Clementine. She’s a second grader at this school.”
That means Felicity is with Ben right now.
“I see. I don’t recall having Clementine in my class before.”
“No, Mrs. Remington-Thorne had her in a private school until this year. We have only just moved to Lexington full time. Mrs. Remington-Thorne grew up here. Perhaps you know her.”
Oh, I know her. “Oh, perhaps. I should get this day started. Again, Mrs. Honeycutt, I think Jacob will be just fine.”
The morning has minimal tears from most of the class and only one meltdown. Of course the meltdown was of epic proportions and perhaps some bodily fluids were lost. Still, I made it through the day and, as expected, Jacob Thorne was fine and Mrs. Honeycutt was grateful. No Felicity sightings and for that I’m grateful.
As I’m turning off the lights and heading down the hallway, Ben walks out of his class.
“Miss Lawrence, how was the first day?”
“Pretty good, yours?”
“It was good. I have a great group of kids. Hey, guess whose daughter is in my class?”
“Felicity Remington, yeah I heard.”
“Hyphen Thorne. Don’t forget the hyphen,” he says, shaking his head and laughing.
“Oh yes, we mustn’t. I have her son, Jacob, in my class. Adorable kid. Sweet as pie and kind-hearted. How’s the sister?”
“Clementine? She’s her mother’s daughter. I had a few flashbacks to childhood with her today.”
“I don’t envy you. I’m not looking forward to dealing with Felicity this year.”
“She was a bit tough on you growing up, wasn’t she?”
We stop at his truck at that question. “Tough? She made my life a living hell, Ben. We grew up during a time that girls like her were referred to as ‘Mean Girls.’ In reality she was just a bitch and found some sick satisfaction in making me miserable. I’d rather go the rest of my life without having to deal with her. I’m grateful the nanny seems to be the primary point of contact for little Jacob.”
“Where’s your car?” he asks me, looking around. I point him toward the other end of the lot.
“Were you running late this morning? That’s a crap parking spot.”
I turn to start walking away. “Not late, just getting in a few extra steps. See ya later, Ben.”
I’m opening my car door when I hear something behind me.
“Hey, baby.”
“Tony, what are you doing here? And I’m not your baby.”
I toss my bag in the passenger seat and before I can take my seat Tony puts his hand on the door, slightly closing it and preventing me from opening it further to take my seat behind the wheel.
“You didn’t call me after I left you flowers. I figured you were still mad.”
I grunt in disbelief at his statement.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Look, Piper. I’m sorry. I know I screwed up and you’re angry but come on.” He’s almost pleading as he removes one hand from the door and places it on my waist to turn me toward him. He really is handsome.
No, Piper, he’s a cheater.
“Please, Piper. Give me a chance to make it right.”