Page 41 of Whiskey & Honey
“Got it. No twins for you?”
“Twins? No. A girl? Yep. She’s saying goodbye to her friends before we take off. I just wanted to see if Piper needed a lift. Sasha isn’t drinking tonight and said she’d give Piper a ride. Ya know, before she gives me one.” Obviously his own favorite audience, Jameson is quite pleased with that innuendo.
“Really? You kiss your mom with that mouth? Shit, you kiss my mom with that mouth? You’re a dick, you know that?”
“Lighten up. I’m just kidding. But really, we’re going to take off. Maybe you should offer to take Piper home. She rode with us so she doesn’t have her car anyway. You know, maybe spend some time with your friend. And that costume.”
Without waiting for a response Jameson shouts to Piper that I’ll take her home and walks up to the girl who must be Sasha, scooping her up and causing her to let out a squeal as he starts carrying her toward the door. Another blonde in his long string of blondes. I guess when you have a type, you have a type.
“You don’t have to take me home, Ben. I can take a cab. That was the plan anyway.”
“That’s silly, Pipe. I’m already here. Besides, I am so over this costume and it’s only been on an hour. Should we tell Ashton you’re leaving?” We both look to the bar and see a line three people wide and at least thirty people deep and agree not to bother Ash.
As we walk out the door and start toward my truck I notice Piper isn’t as graceful as she usually is. “You okay there, Princess?”
“Yeah. I didn’t drink that much, I swear. I’m just not that graceful.”
“Well, come on then, let’s get you home.” I offer my hand to help her and am surprised when she takes it. Like each time before that she’s allowed me to hold it, I savor the feeling of her tiny hand in mine. I know this moment may end at any time. One day she won’t grant me this small gift and that will devastate me just a little.
“Ben?” she asks me as she slows her pace so I am forced to stop and turn to her, never letting go of her hand.
“Will you take me to your house? I don’t want to go home.”
“Piper, you’re drunk. You don’t want to drive all the way out to my house. Another time.”
I can’t believe I just told her no.
“I’m sorry. I get it. You don’t want to hang out with me.” Dropping my hand, she continues, “I’ll just get a cab instead. Have a good night.”
Before she can turn and take a step, I grab her hand back. This time I interlock our fingers and tug her toward me. “I want nothing more than to hang out with you, Piper.” A small smile takes over her face, making it hard to resist her. But I do.
“I’m not drunk, Ben. I may be a little tipsy, but by the time we get to your house I’ll be fine. I just don’t want to be alone. I’m tired of being alone. Please?”
“Woman, you are killing me.” A half smile appears on her face. Perfection. “Let’s go.”
“Yay! Okay, come on!” she shouts and drags me to my truck. Never letting my hand go.