Page 63 of Whiskey & Honey
Instead of replying she walks up to me with a smile that has morphed into more of sly grin than anything. Just as I lean forward to accept her hello kiss, she grabs the wine glass from my hand.
“I believe you offered me an education on proper good mornings, not hellos. Thanks for the wine,” she tosses my way as she walks into the living room. I guess she’s got me there. Admitting defeat, I toss two slices of pizza on a plate and follow her to the living room. As I sit down I notice she has a bunch of papers strewn across the table.
“What are these papers?”
“My mother,” is her simple response as she takes a drink of her wine and grabs a slice of pizza from the plate I’m holding. I hand her the plate as I lean over to get a better look at the papers.
“What’s Tessa up to these days? These are mortgage papers.”
“Well, she’s in love. Again. She called me and said that she needed me to gather the papers for her house because when she gets back she’s going to put it on the market. She says she’s moving with whatever his name is to wherever it is he is from.”
I can feel the frustration and sadness in her voice and take the plate from her before I pull her to me. I hold her for a few minutes before she finally relaxes into the embrace. Placing a kiss to the top of her head seems to be all she needs because soon we’re sitting there wrapped in each other’s arms and the tension leaves her body.
“Is this why you’ve been ignoring me? Dealing with this stuff for your mom?”
“Kind of. Not really. I don’t know. I’m a mess, Ben. Do yourself a favor and run for the hills.”
“Thanks for the warning but no. Tell me what’s going on, Piper.”
Pulling from me, against my will, she sits up a little, resting her head on the back of the couch. I mirror her as I wait for her to speak.
“I was busy trying to find all of this in my mom’s version of a filing system so I was truthful when I said I couldn’t see you. But, I was also kind of intentionally putting space between us.”
I begin playing with her fingers as she talks, mindlessly rubbing circles on the top of her hand before linking our fingers.
“Why were you giving us space?”
“I just think it’s for the best. We agreed to be friends and I don’t even see Ashton every day. I just thought it would be better that way.”
“I disagree. We agreed to some benefits too and it’s really hard to benefit from you if I’m not around you.”
Rolling her eyes at me, she looks down. “It’s just too much and I’m overwhelmed. I need you to respect when I need space if this friendship thing is going to work.”
“Hey,” I reply, sitting up and tilting her chin to look at me. “I respect you always. All you had to say was you needed a little alone time. Don’t shut me out though, Piper. But I think we need to talk about this.”
“I knew it. See, this is why I needed space. If we’d spent these last few days hanging out this would upset me more. So just say it. Go on.” Her voice is alternating between an emotional quiver to strained.
“Whoa there. I see that the only way we can have a conversation is for you to assume the position. Up on the lap, Princess.” A shake of her head is the only response she gives. This forces my hand and I reach over, tugging her to me. I say tug but it didn’t actually require much effort on my part before she has, in fact, assumed the position. Her eyes never meet mine so I just begin the little speech I hadn’t planned to give.
“That’s better. Now, I have no clue where all of that came from but I’ll just assume it is a result of not spending time with me for four whole days. Lesson learned.” I see a small smile appear at the corners of her mouth but her eyes are still focused on the collar of my shirt. “Eyes up here, Piper. Look at me.” Slowly she does as I say.
“Now, eyes stay on me. Got it?” She nods in response.
“When I said we needed to talk I didn’t mean have ‘the talk.’ I meant only that I have changed my mind.” She closes her eyes tightly. “Nope, eyes open.” She complies again. “I was wrong to suggest we only be friends and that we keep it from Ashton. Piper, as much as I think she’ll react poorly at first, I think if we keep this from her then we’ll only end up hurting Ashton more. It is best for us to be honest and tell her we are together.”
“Yep, together. I told you before and I meant it. I want to be with you, Piper. I want us to go out to dinner, grab a coffee, go for runs, hold hands in public. I want to kiss you whenever I want and for the love of all that is holy, I want to bury myself inside of you as often as possible.”
The last part of my statement is emphasized with a lift of my hips, which causes a quick intake of breath by Piper.
“But. But,” is all she gets out before I kiss her. After a few minutes I pull away from her.
“It’s going all work out, Piper. Now, let’s eat this pizza, drink this wine, and figure out what kind of mess your mom has here.”
“Why are you so certain everything will work out?”
“I’m certain we’ll be okay because I believe in us. I know how I feel. While I know you aren’t ready to hear about those feelings, I also believe you feel the same way. Everything will be as it should be.”