Page 70 of Whiskey & Honey
Swinging a hammer is therapeutic. It is for me, anyway. I’ve spent the last four hours working on the porch of my house. This will be the most secure set of stairs in the county by the time I’m done with them. I should be inside working but this is better for releasing the tension that’s built inside me since I left Piper at the school. Or, more accurately, since she left me at the school.
The last few weeks have been great between us. We’ve grown closer, had quality time, and I thought we were on the same page with where we were heading in our relationship. I even planned to talk to Piper tonight about telling Ashton next week during Thanksgiving dinner.
I should’ve known this day would turn to shit when I had an early-morning text from Laurel. She’d started dating a guy she met through work so I hadn’t heard from her in a few weeks. When I checked my phone this morning and saw a text from her asking me if we could meet for coffee today during my lunch, I knew in my gut something was wrong. Then Tessa showed up.
I will never say anything against Tessa because she’s Piper’s mother. That being said, I now know who is responsible for all of the self-doubt Piper harbors. I’m under no guise that I am the best catch in town, but to encourage Piper to go back to Tony instead of being with me is ridiculous. I don’t know what else they talked about after I left, but considering her reaction to me this afternoon I can’t believe it was anything positive or Team Ben.
Lunch with Laurel solidified my feelings for Piper. There was never any doubt on my part, but one of the first things Laurel asked me was if I was in love. I didn’t tell Laurel that I was in love with Piper. That wouldn’t be fair to Piper or our relationship. She should be the recipient of that information before anyone else. I did confirm that I was with someone and this was a forever kind of relationship. Laurel said she was happy for me. Then she started crying.
I knew something was wrong when she texted me this morning. Since our split, we have talked a few times, but mostly kept in touch via text. A little over a month ago she kind of fell off the grid and I hadn’t heard from her. I knew she was dating again and figured she had met someone. There was nothing specific in the text this morning but it was just a feeling I had.
My instinct as she started crying was to offer her comfort, but she seemed to retreat from me. Instead, I held her hand and she started talking. Apparently the guy she was dating wasn’t the good guy he had portrayed. He is possessive and controlling. Picking up on what she wasn’t saying, I deduced he is also an abusive asshole.
Refusing to confirm or deny the abuse, she did confirm that she had secured a protection order from the bastard. I immediately saw red and wanted to hunt the guy down. Laurel said that since she began dating this guy, she hadn’t seen or talked to most of her friends and that was why she reached out to me. Unfortunately, a piece of paper doesn’t protect a person and he has still been bothering her indirectly.
I’m grateful Laurel knew she could come to me. Without a second thought, I invited her to stay at my parents’ house for a while and to spend Thanksgiving with us. She balked at the idea at first, but relented when I reminded her the jerk couldn’t find her here. I wanted to send her to the house immediately but she insisted on going home to pack a few of her things. I begrudgingly agreed after she promised to check in when she got home and come back tonight regardless of the time.
I wanted to get some time with Piper after school to check in from her talk with her mom this morning but also to let her know that Laurel was coming to town. I know that initially it may be awkward, but Piper will understand my need to help Laurel. Plus, if Laurel is going to be staying with my parents for the next week, we needed to come up with a game plan to explain why I’m staying with her for the next week. My personal preference is to just lay it all out and let the chips fall as they may. Like anytime I am able to just watch her, seeing Piper with her student reaffirmed how deep my feelings run and how amazing she truly is.
Then she served me her bullshit headache excuse instead of talking to me. I know it’s a bullshit excuse because she used it before on Ashton to get out of lying to her face. Obviously she doesn’t have the same concern when it comes to me. I have no idea what happened from the time I left her apartment and I arrived in her classroom but, whatever it is, I know I’m not going to like it.
I put down the hammer and walk to the cooler, contemplating one of the beers I brought or a water. It takes all of thirty seconds before I choose the beer. This choice means I’m done working for the night. I opt instead to have a fire and try for the fifth time to call Piper.
Like I’ve done the other four times, I follow up the voicemail with a text.
Me: I hope you’re feeling better. Call me so I know you’re ok or I’m coming over.
This time, I receive a response.
Piper: I’m fine. Please don’t come over.
Me: Tell me what I can do.
Piper: Just give me some space.
Me: Space? Is something wrong? Don’t do this Piper. Don’t run from me.
Piper: Please, Ben. Space. I just need to process.
Me: Can I at least text you?
Piper: In moderation. Don’t be a creepy stalker.
Me: It’s not stalking if you want me to do it.
Piper: Says every stalker.
Me: See if I was there we could debate my stalker status.
Piper: Nice try. Please respect my request, Ben.
Me: I always respect you. I don’t like it but ok. Get some rest and sleep well.
Piper: I will.
Me: I won’t. I’m used to you in my arms.
Piper: Ben…