Page 73 of Whiskey & Honey
Turning her head to look off in the distance, her voice is flat and devoid of emotion. “Not much. I spoke to the prosecutor yesterday before I came to see you. It’s his first offense.” I scoff in response. “Okay, the first time someone has followed through with the allegations.” She laughs in a way that kills me.
“That’s what they call them. Allegations. Like he didn’t…” I hear a hiccup as she pushes down tears and emotion.
“He’ll likely plead it down and be ordered to some sort of anger management. No jail time.”
“That’s bullshit. Can’t you fight that?”
“I’m not in charge. I really just want this to be over. I think I’m going to find a new place to live. One less way for him to bother me.”
The pain in her voice is unlike anything I’ve ever heard from her. I reach over and grab her hand and offer a gentle squeeze. She never moves her gaze, but responds with a squeeze of her own. Another few minutes go by and she twists to her side and faces me, offering me a smile. I know what comes next.
“Tell me about the woman you’re seeing.”
My eyes go wide and she raises a brow at me. “It’s complicated.”
“Come on, complicated or not you need to tell me.”
“Uh, actually I don’t. How’d you know, anyway?”
“Ashton. She said something about not seeing you and how you were obviously hooking up with some girl you were ashamed of, otherwise why would you keep her away from the family.”
I shake my head in disbelief. Leave it to Ashton to use Laurel for her dirty work.
“I see. Is this some sort of bonding experiment between you and Ashton? She’s having you find out the details on my personal life since I won’t tell her?”
“No, this is completely my doing. Come on, Ben. You look like you’re ready to burst at the seams. Plus, you’ve checked your phone at least a dozen times since I arrived. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know that I feel comfortable talking to you about this.”
“Hush up. We’re friends, aren’t we?” I agree. “I came to you when I needed help. That’s what friends do. Let me reciprocate. Please, Ben. I need something good to happen for one of us.” I can hear a quiver in her voice and know that she’s trying so damn hard to be strong in all of this.
“Okay. If I talk to you about this, you have to promise to lock it up tight. Nobody knows.” She smiles in response. “I’m not kidding, Laurel. Do not use this as a bonding tool with Ashton. Especially Ashton.”
“Okay, geez. Dramatic much? Hit me with your secrets.”
“I’ve kind of been seeing my sister’s best friend.”
“Whoa.” I nod in agreement.
“Have I met her before?”
“No, and actually I hadn’t seen her in years until the night I moved back. I guess anytime we visited she wasn’t around.”
That gets me thinking a little. Piper never was around when Laurel and I visited. For years I came home for visits, sure they were far and few between but I visited, and never once saw Piper.
“Very interesting. So, nobody knows? Ashton?” I shake my head. “Is there some sort of reason nobody knows?”
I lay it all out for her. How I made a spontaneous move one night at the bar, Ashton’s likely response, my trying to pursue something with Piper, her stance regarding Ashton, and her sudden headache yesterday. I stopped short of my feelings for her.
“You’re in love with her.” I don’t respond. “You haven’t told her, have you?” Again, no response. “I see. Well, I think therein lies your problem.” The only response I offer is a motion of my hand for her to continue. To which she responds with an eye roll. “I’d bet that this woman, can I at least know her name?”
I smile. “Piper.”
“Thank you. Piper, great name by the way, needs you to lay it all out for her. Tell her you love her, Ben. Make the grand gesture. You have to do this before it’s too late. She’s in limbo right now.” My expression must show the confusion I feel. “You are an amazing man, but so very stupid.”
“Hey!” I shout and she shushes me. I take it down to a whisper. “Hey, I’m not stupid.”
“Oh, sweetie,” she says, very patronizing, “but you are.” She all but tsks me like a child.
“Here’s the deal,” she begins as she sits up straighter, and with a little fire in her. “You love this Piper and I’d bet my last dollar she loves you too. But, you’re both so worried about doing things right you aren’t being true to yourselves and surely you aren’t giving Ashton enough credit. I don’t know your sister well, but I can tell you from a female perspective, the secret will be worse than the truth.”
Laurel stands up and begins to walk toward the slider when she stops and places a hand on my shoulder. “Follow your heart, Ben. Tell her how you feel and then tell your sister. If I’ve learned anything in these last few months, it’s that life is too short and true love is something to respect.”
I remain in my seat as Laurel returns to the house to begin her bonding time with my mom and sister. She’s right. I have sat back these past few weeks trying to not scare Piper and all it has done is leave us in limbo. I love her and want to be with her. I see her living in my home, hosting our own Thanksgiving dinner, and as the mother to my children. I need to stop waiting for her to be ready and make the grand gesture.