Page 8 of Whiskey & Honey
Ilet a smile take its place as I glance at the text again. Talking is good. We’ll talk. I’ll apologize for kissing her. I won’t mean it but I’ll apologize.
A knock at the door pulls me from my self-imposed pep talk. Before I can make it to the front door, Jameson is walking through the living room.
“Why knock if you’re going to just walk in?” I ask him as I grab my wallet and put it in my back pocket.
“I knock because your mama would have my ass if I didn’t. I walk in because I’ve been walking in that front door almost as long as you. Wait, probably longer since you’ve been gone for close to a decade. Where is your mom anyway? I need some Patty hugs.”
I ignore his comment as I walk past him and out the door. “Shut up. Let’s go, I’m starving and itching to get my hands on some of Rosa’s tacos.”
Other than my family and friends, food is what I’ve missed most from Lexington. Sure there are incredible restaurants in the city, but the good, stick-to-your-ribs food that you get in a small town can never be outdone by a five-star restaurant with portions the size of half dollars. The minute I read Piper’s text mentioning Rosa’s I knew I had to have it and sent Jameson a text to pick me up.
“Explain to me why I had to drive across town, past Rosa’s by the way, to pick you up when you have a perfectly good car sitting right there?” Jameson asks me as he motions to my sedan parked in front of the house.
“What if I just wanted to spend time with you?” I joke as I climb up into his monster of a truck. “J, what are you overcompensating for? This truck is fucking ridiculous.”
“If by ridiculous you mean awesome, then yes it is. You’re one to talk, Mr. Yuppy Sedan. What are you trying to hide? Do you have something to tell me? You lose yourself in the city?”
I know he’s teasing, but the reality of his words hits me hard. I did lose myself, and I never realized how much until we left the bar last night. Those few hours with my friends I felt more like Bentley Sullivan than I have in a long time. Add to that the stolen moments with Piper and that kiss, well it all came at me like a meteor. I felt more alive by the time I got home than I can ever remember. Something about that girl made of a little whiskey and honey had me seeing things clearly.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear Jameson clear his throat. I glance over at him, noticing he hasn’t even started the truck yet. “Well? Did you? I have to say, last night you seemed more like you than you have in a long time.” I let out a sigh as he starts the truck and pulls away from the curb.
“Truthfully, it was the most like me I’ve felt in a long time. Speaking of, I wanted you to pick me up because after we hit Rosa’s, I want to stop by Sully’s and check out a truck I saw on my way into town.”
“Shit, what’s next? Ya wanna go fishing?”
“Not today, but yeah.”
Jameson shakes his head and snorts. I’m not sure if it’s a snort in disgust or agreement.
“Come on, J, you know I’ve been drowning the last few years. Quit giving me shit, will ya? Just drive,” I say as I reach to turn up the music. I let my arm hang out the window. A deep inhale and I know that my move was the right one. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and won’t even lie that I hold a little hope that it is Piper telling me to come over earlier. Only, it’s not.
Laurel: I’m not trying to be weird but I kind of miss you.
It’s not weird. I miss her too, but it’s not romantic. That is the weird part.
Me: It’s not weird. I miss you too. How’s my TV?
Laurel: Jerk. Its fine and enjoying all that the Hallmark channel has to offer.
Me: Please tell me that is a lie! But really, you doing okay?
Laurel: Ok, I’ll tell you it’s a lie. Yeah I’m good. It’s just different.
Me: I get it. I’m about to grab lunch. Talk later?
Laurel: Sure. TTYL
“Okay, pussy, we’re here,” Jameson declares as he jumps down from his truck. I’ll never understand the need to have raise your truck so much you need a damn ladder to climb in and out. Seriously, this thing is ridiculous.
“Whatever. You good with stopping by Sully’s after we’re done here? Don’t you have a business to run?”
“Nah, I’m good. I worked it out with Owen. I am at your disposal all day. Which I’ll remind you of this weekend when you are the DD and I’m kissing girls at the bar,” he smugly replies as he opens the door to Rosa’s.
The minute the door opens, my senses are in overload. I’m not even going pretend to know what exotic spices and ingredients Rosa has brewing in the kitchen, nor do I care as long as they end up on my plate. Before I can even get three steps in the door my stomach is rumbling in agreement. Just like last night at Country Road, I see a few familiar faces and nod in acknowledgment as I make my way to the counter.
“Ben Sullivan!” Rosa shouts as she makes her way around the short counter with her arms extended for a hug. Another thing I missed from home, the hugs.
“Rosa,” I sigh as I scoop her up into a hug. Rosa and my mom have been friends all of my life, and even though her son is a self-centered dill weed, I love her. “How are you? It smells amazing in here. I’ve missed you.”