Page 83 of Whiskey & Honey
Silence develops between us as I split a few logs in quick succession. Once I’m done I set the ax aside and turn to my dad.
“Like I said, I’ve been seeing someone. It’s been kind of rocky the last few weeks or so but I’m ready to take it to the next level.”
“The rocky part wouldn’t have anything to do with Laurel coming to town, would it?”
I hadn’t thought of that, though now that he mentions it, this did all start when Laurel and I first talked. I just assumed it was Piper’s talk with her mom that started this, but it could be a combination. Interesting.
“I don’t know exactly. We’ve been taking it slow and just spending time together alone. Kind of our own little world, if you will. I’ve been patient waiting for her make a commitment and really make a go of it. Unfortunately, I may have been too patient and she’s managed to get inside her own head and now she’s overanalyzed it so much she’s backing away.”
“Ahh, this woman wouldn’t happen to be Piper, would it?”
“How did…?”
“There is only one person I know worth that kind of patience other than your sister. And, there is only person I know with the ability to get inside her own head enough to talk herself out of something like a relationship. I’ve known that girl most of her life and cared for as if she were my own. I knew something was going on with her when she stopped coming around as much. Now it just makes sense.”
I sit down on the chopping log and take the water my dad offers me. Once I’ve emptied the bottle I lift my shirt to wipe the sweat from my head.
“Yeah well, that girl you mention is a frustrating woman.”
My dad laughs. “I don’t doubt it. All the good ones are. Your mother challenges me at every turn. I pity the man that falls in love with your sister.”
I can’t help but agree with that. Poor bastard. Dad and I sit in comfortable silence as I wonder if I’ve completely lost my mind to move forward with this plan of mine.
“I’m done waiting for her. I’ve agreed to take this painstakingly slow so that she warmed up to us being more than friends. Me being more than her best friend’s brother. We both know Ash isn’t going to take this well and wanted to make sure this was worth the drama it is about to create.”
“I see. So you’ve been lying to your family and friends for months for Ashton’s sake?”
Ouch. “When you put it like that, we sound like jerks.”
“No, son, I don’t think either of you are jerks. I truly believe that you both are putting Ashton’s feelings ahead of your own. That’s a little stupid, but it doesn’t make you jerks.”
“Stupid? I thought it was noble. And maybe a little selfish.”
“Noble? Oh, Ben, you are grasping now. I think you’re scared of your sister. Hell, she scares me sometimes and I’m her father. Look, here’s how I see it. You’ve known Piper most of your life. She’s been part of this family and like a sister to Ashton. You’ve been gone for years, just making the occasional appearance. We’re all happy to have you home and you’re afraid your sister is going to vote you off the island or something if you tell her you’ve fallen in love with her best friend.”
“I never said I was in love.”
“Are you?”
“I’ll tell you what I’ve told Laurel and Jameson – if I am, then the first person I tell should be Piper.”
“And that’s the answer. Give your sister a little credit and accept that she’s going to react, most likely poorly. But, she’ll come around and in the end you’ll have the one thing you’ve always wanted and deserved. True love.”
“You’re so certain it’s true love?”
“Yes, son. I’m certain. You have your mother’s and my blessing.”
“Good, because I’ve decided I’m done waiting and there’s no better time than Thanksgiving for a big declaration. I’m going to need you to help run a little interference though.”
“Oh this sounds intriguing, tell me what you have planned.”
I catch my dad up on my plan and let him know Laurel is in on it, too. He thinks it’s brilliant and promises to clue my mom in a little so she doesn’t ruin it. I’ll make sure Jameson is in on the plan when he gets here. I check my watch and realize the next four hours are going to pass slower than any other time in my life.
Jameson was happy to play along with my plan and thinks the fact that everyone is in on it but Ashton is even sweeter. Those two need to get over their hatred of one another or this is going to be a long life.
Piper arrived a few hours ago. Not unlike every time I see her, she looked sexy as hell and I was instantly hard. I’m not sure how I’ll get through life with a constant hard-on but I figure there are worse things in life. Once I managed to get my act together and calm down the activity in my pants, we exchanged a very awkward hello.
Now that I’ve managed to get her alone for a few minutes, I’m going to feel things out. Hopefully she’ll give me some sort of indication of where she stands after our talk this morning.