Page 14 of Chasing Mr. Prefect
“It’s in your feed,” he replied, looking like I had just asked him whether two and two made four. “Like, fifty percent of your whole feed is just you stressing about your honors standing and there’s hardly any Juhyun content on it these days?—”
“You follow me?” I asked, eyes widening.
Cholo laughed his head off at my reaction. “Yeah!” he said. “Your tweets are funny. Especially when you refer to Jennifer asJhemerlyn.”
“You’re onstan Flitter?” I sputtered and he put an index finger on his lips to signal me to be quiet.
“I guess to someone like you with five thousand plus, it’s hard to keep track,” he said, teasing. “But I’m surprised you never noticed it was me. I’m always replying to your surveys of which fancam song to do next and quoting your awesome comebacks to antis?—”
“How on earth did you even end up following me?” I said, feeling light-headed now. “It’s a fan account!”
“Why are you so upset about this, Lavinia? I mean, you’re not the only one here who likes Era of Maidens. As much of a snob you are about it, there are people here who also have good taste.”
My jaw hit the floor. That was a well-kept secret of mine—not even Gian or Liana knew that I was running an account on stan Flitter. Never mind that Era of Maidens was a group that the three of us all listened to; they were more on the casual listener side while I was the type who picked a fight with stan trolls who dared to criticize even a strand of hair on Hyoyoon’s head.
I was mortified.
“Don’t worry. You’re my favorite Hyoyoon stan so you can call me Prefect Brat all you want,” he said, his smile now genuine. “I’d appreciate a follow back, though, senpai.”
“Don’t you ever call me that again,” I warned.
“Joke lang. I know you hate it. Anyway, I’m grabbing merienda before the Ephemere meeting later. Do you want siomai?”
“No,” I said, too embarrassed to even think of food at the moment. I made a mental note to go over my own posts the next hour so I can delete all the compromising tweets I had in there because I was sure I called him things much worse than prefect brat.
“Okay. I’ll see you at the meeting later. You better not be late!” he replied.
I grabbed his sleeve before he ran off. “You better not tell a single soul about this.”
“Don’t worry,” he teased, leaning closer to me and dropping his voice. “It’s our little secret,vinniexcalibur.”
He gave me a small wink and I was so weirded out that I immediately let go of his sleeve. Cholo laughed away as he walked off towards the cafeteria and I was left in the corridor, still gaping.
I took my phone out and shook my head.Cholo, an Era of Maidens fan? Who knew?
Iwent straight to the club room and spent the next hour going over my tweets, slapping my forehead every time I found something embarrassing. I marvelled at how differently I felt now, seeing all my past tweets just weeks ago about Prefect Brat and the club.
Gosh. Cholo was right about him being there in my replies all the time and I could not help but feel silly. I mean, I should have known it was him—his handle was@swordcholo, which referenced the group fandom name (Swords). I chose@vinniexcaliburbecause, well, I was the best sword of all.
Charot. NOT.
“Vinnie!” someone yelled. Kristine, one of the Ephemere kids, had taken the seat beside me, followed by Seth who sat on the adjacent couch.
I also saw Summer, who was frowning as she took the seat on the opposite side of the table.
“Hi,” I said, looking at my watch. It was nearly time for the meeting.
“Okay, good news or best news first?” Kristine said, hardly able to contain herself.
I exchanged glances with Seth who looked like he was about to laugh. “Okay, save the best for last, I guess. What’s the good news?” I said, humoring Kristine.
“We showed your teaser video during today’s General Assembly,” she said. “And everyone LOVED it! You should have been there.”
I found myself smiling, too, as her energy was contagious.
“You’re really good at this hype thing, Vinnie,” Seth said. “Where did you even learn this?”