Page 6 of Snow One Like You
Nodding, I led the way through the large great room of the lodge to the entrance to the restaurant. “I hate to decide anything without Hannah. I’ll call her and see what she wants to do.”
She didn’t answer, so we ate and filled up some grocery bags with food before trekking out to my cabin.
I called Hannah a few times over the next couple of hours, not wanting to decide anything without her input. She didn’t answer or reply to my texts, so I eventually sent one to Jake, in case he saw it first.
Me: Hannah isn’t answering her cell. Have her call me. I’m guessing she’ll tell me more about this mystery than you will. Girl talk and all that shit. Anyway, our flight was canceled because of the storm. We are trying to decide what to do about the trip.
It was over an hour later when I finally received a response.
Jake: Trip is canceled.
Did he miss that part of my last text?
Me: I just told you the trip was canceled…Did you shake some brain cells when you got that concussion? Yes, I know about that. Yes, my medic friend told me. And since I didn’t tell Mom or Raven, you owe me, big brother.
My phone rang suddenly, and Jake, making a goofy face, popped onto the screen.
“I asked for Hannah to call me, not my clearly addle-minded brother,” I answered.
“Hannah is sleeping.”
I glanced at the clock and frowned. “At one in the afternoon?”
“She’s worn out, Cammie,” he said.
By his smug tone, I had a feeling I knew how he’d worn her out and… “I…ewwwwww, Jake. That’s just gross.”
“You brought it up.”
I almost argued, but Jake was a master at riling me up, and I wasn’t about to take the bait and hear more about his S-E-X life. But it was a good segue to find out some answers to this confusing situation.
“Speaking of, what the hell is going on with you and Hannah?” I paused and realized I’d left it wide open for him to give me more details that would force me to have my ears bleached. “And give me the PG version, bro.”
“None of your business,” he retorted
I deserved that since I’d used the same answer on him earlier.
“I figured.” It was my turn to sound smug. “No worries. Hannah will tell me.”
“That’s up to her.”
He obviously wouldn’t budge, so I moved on to the reason I’d messaged him in the first place. “Okaaay, well, I need to talk to her about rescheduling the trip.”
“I already answered that, Cammie,” he grunted. “The trip is canceled.”
Wait, did he mean canceled as in no trip at all? “Likecanceled,canceled?” I clarified. Even though I doubted everything would make sense, no matter what he said in reply.
Annoyed that he thought he had any say in what I did with my friends, I protested, “But?—”
He cut me off. “It’s not up for discussion, Cammie. I just got my wife back, and I’m not letting her out of my sight anytime soon.”
“You can’t throw that at me and not give me an explanation, Jacob Ashley!” I yelled, frustrated that he wouldn’t give me even the tiniest bit of explanation on the whole Vegas wife thing. “Why the hell are you calling Hannah your wife? And when did this wedding happen?” I gasped at a thought that popped into my head. “Did you get her pregnant? Why was it a secret?”
“Because she is, last Christmas Eve, not yet, and none of your business.”
I sputtered, once again thrown off by him using my words against me.