Page 9 of Snow One Like You
The woman laughed merrily, her eyes sparkling. “No shit? You actually have a Scandinavian name?”
“So youarea Viking!”
I ignored her comment and moved on to more important things. “Now you know who I am. Perhaps you’d like to reciprocate?”
“Oh! Right, sorry. I’m Cammie Ashley.” She removed her gloves and walked to the table, setting everything down before unzipping her coat. “Like I said, Caleb asked me to come check on your head.”
“You’re his sister-in-law?” I probably should’ve guessed since she looked so much like Raven.
“Yup.” She removed her parka and draped it over a chair, leaving her in ski pants and a tight thermal shirt, which left little to the imagination. Though she wasn’t short, she was probably a little less than a foot shorter than my six-foot-five-inch frame. She had a slender, athletic build, but holy shit…her breasts were perfect. Full, round, and definitely more than a handful. Her nipples poked through her bra and shirt, making my mouth water. Cammie was sexy as hell, and my body took full notice, my cock hardening to steel and my core burning with desire. I couldn’t ever remember feeling so drawn to a woman. Or wanting her so damn bad.
The idea of one night with her briefly flitted through my mind, then I shook it off, reminding myself that she was Caleb’s sister-in-law. It wasn’t possible because we’d be working together on the medical areas and equipment in the new facility. I still had a lot of time before wrapping up and leaving town.
Somehow, I knew that one night wouldn’t be enough with Cammie, and if we continued the affair, she’d likely come to expect more from me than I could ever give her.
If she was anything like her sister, she wanted a husband, kids, and a happily ever after.
Besides that, from what Caleb had told me, Cammie was adventurous, free-spirited, and a little wild. Although she was completely tied to her roots.
Even with an apartment in the town where my parents and sister lived, I didn’t really have any roots. I never stayed anywhere for very long. But it was always on to the next job, not gallivanting around the world on a whim. And honestly, I was too pragmatic to fall victim to love. I’d seen the destruction that came from so-called “love” too many times to be able to feel it.
We were complete opposites, and if I gave in to this attraction, I would only risk losing the friendships I had built with the people in Winter Falls.
Cammie ran a hand through her hair, using her fingers to work out a few tangles as she talked. “So…um, why don’t you go put on some clothes, then come sit here so I can check you out…” Her cheeks blossomed red, and she corrected herself, “I mean, check your injury.”
I smiled wickedly at her slipup but didn’t comment, choosing to go dress rather than engage in banter that would only make me want her more.
In the bedroom, I pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, then padded back out into the front room. A few items were sitting on the table, and she was bent over, digging through a bag I hadn’t noticed before. She must have dropped it when I yanked her inside.
Her ski pants stretched over a sexy, heart-shaped ass, and I nearly groaned at the sight. Damn, she was fucking gorgeous.
I needed to get this over with and send her on her way before I did something monumentally stupid. Like kiss her.
She straightened and set something else on the table before she noticed me standing a few feet away. “You must be much warmer,” she teased. “Have a seat.”
I did as she asked while looking everywhere but at her.
A second later, my whole body shuddered when Cammie’s fingers delved into my hair.
She yanked her hand back, then set it on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you? I should have been more gentle.”
“No,” I croaked, then cleared my throat. “No. You didn’t hurt me. I just…um, your hand was a little cold, and I wasn’t expecting it.”
Cammie giggled and rubbed her hands together. “You’d think they’d teach us in school to warm up our hands first. Instead, we focused on having atrocious bedside manner.”
This time, I couldn’t hold back a laugh. She was as adorable as she was sexy. “I can’t comment on your”—I raised my eyes to her face and smirked even though I knew better—“bedside manner.”
Cammie’s cheeks turned pink, but she grinned and cocked her head to the side. “Your loss,” she said with a wink. Then her expression turned serious, and she picked up a small flashlight before holding my chin to keep my head still. Her examination only took about ten minutes, then she put her bag on the table and packed everything away. “Well, the bad news is, you were wrong and Caleb was right.”
She tossed me a crooked smile as she zipped up the medical satchel. “You do have a concussion. However, it’s very mild and doesn’t require supervision. That goose egg on the back of your head will be tender for a few days, but with some pain relievers and ice, you’ll be good as new.”