Page 117 of Dmitri
“I’m fine on my own.”
“You’re not listening.” Dad’s anger leaks into his veins, making them pop out at his temples. His gaze flicks to the guards at the doorway before saying, “I fucked up.”
I don’t say a word. Saying he fucked up is an understatement. He ruinedeverything.
“The man I killed was dangerous.”
“So was the man who killed him. Sounds like a fair match to me.” I know I sound callous, but I can’t help it. I didn’t realize I had this much hate left in me until my dad opened his stupid mouth.
“Didn’t you go to my trial?”
No. I didn’t. I didn’t read about, nor did I attend it, because I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that all of this happened…
Because of me.
I was a coward who hid while my dad was punished fora terrible crime he wouldn’t have committed had I not been a little bitch who cried to his mommy that day and made our whole life blow up. And now here we are. Dad’s suffering the consequences of my actions. Mom’s moved on. I’m stuck and hungry and angry and tired and hate everything.
“His people are working me over. Tormenting me,” Dad whispers angrily. “They’ve already come for me twice.”
A buzzer goes off and a guard marches over to our table.
“They might come for you too,” Dad rushes to say as he’s lifted and manhandled away. “Eye for an eye, son.”
They haul my dad away and I decide to never come back again…
It took him another eleven years to die in prison, and it seems with his death, my past is circling around me like vultures.
“You’re sure it’s the same woman?” I ask. Petrov is a very common Russian name. Anya is too. “It could be a coincidence.”
Ryker huffs. “D, how many coincidences have to knock against your thick skull for you to see it’s something worse than that?” He counts on his fingers. “Your dad is murdered in prison a month ago. You start fighting again and Silas magically has a woman ready for you to fuck on short notice. And oh, what do you know, that pussy belongs to the woman who just happens to be your half-sister’s foster guardian. Are you kidding me here? This is a goddamn set up. And you better get away from all of it before we’re spreadingyourmotherfucking ashes in the river next.”
I shake my head. “It’s not like that with Daelyn.”
“It isexactlylike that. Someone’s planned this. You’re being set up. That woman needs to get out of my club.”
I’m on Ryker in a blink. “She has a fucking name, and she’s not going anywhere.”
Ryker rolls his shoulders back, squaring up. “This isn’t your club, D. It’s not your call to make.”
“She’s my girl, and this is my home. It’s just as much my call as it is yours.”
“Listen to yourself,” Ryker snaps. “You don’t even know her and you’re acting like you’re ready to lay your life on the line… and for what? She’s working for the fuckingenemy, D!”
“I know!” I roar in his face. My heart smashes against my chest as I let it all sink in. “Fuck…I know.” Leaning on the counter, I bury my face in my hands and try to calm the hell down. Ryker’s snapping at me like this because he’s scared for me.
“Wait.” Vault steps closer. “You knew she was sent by the same people who killed your father?”
“That hasn’t been verified,” I argue, rubbing my tired eyes. “But she’s been sent by someone who has her trapped in their game, just like me.”
Ryker leans on the counter beside me. “Fucking hell.”
“They’re using Addie against her,” I explain. “And they’ve got enough dirt on Daelyn to send her away to prison for a long time.”
Vault runs a hand down his face. With a heavy sigh, he stares up at the ceiling. “Why is nothing ever easy with you motherfuckers?”
“How deep is she into this?” Ryker arches his brow. “We need to know exactly what we’re dealing with.”
I owe him this much. “I think she’s been groomed since she was about twelve. She’s very protective of him and won’t give me his name. She’s got a signet burned into her wrist, so—”