Page 143 of Dmitri
He kicks my stomach.
I don’t care.
Kaleb snatches my hair and pulls my head back. Whatever he’s searching for in my eyes, he must not find. I’ve truly checked out.
“Kill me,” I say calmly.
“You’re not getting out of this so fucking easy, Daelyn.” He yanks me forward, but I crumble to the floor. Whatever drug his mother shot into me has almost worn completely off, but I’m notgoing to let him figure that out. Especially considering my body doesn’t seem to want to function after the news of Addie’s d—
A fresh sob blows out of me. “She was a kid!” I scream on my hands and knees.
Kaleb kicks my ribs, sending me sprawling across the floor.
Everyone is here. Kaleb’s entire crew. And most of them are dead on the ground.
He’s lost his goddamn mind. I’m not going to be able to control or reason with him. And I’ve done this to myself. He knows I’ve betrayed him. He’s taken everything away from me.
I hope he stays away. Maybe he left my texts on delivered because he blocked me and has packed up and left town. I hope so. I hope—
“Casey, grab my girl a chair. The show’s about to start.”
Casey quickly follows orders and within a few heartbeats, Kaleb’s slinging me into a folding chair. “You get the best seat in the house for this fight, babygirl.” He pulls out my cell and takes a picture of me. I can only assume he’s going to text it to Dmitri.
“He’s not going to come,” I say, taking shallow breaths. “If you think… Dmitri is… going to swoop in here… and save me… you’ve got him all wrong.”
“The picture isn’t for him, it’s for me.” Kaleb spits on my forehead, then caresses my cheek. “You look so beautiful, all busted and broken.” His smile makes my stomach churn. “Sorry you lost Addie.”
“Don’t you dare say her name,” I growl.
Kaleb cocks his gun and aims it at my head.
“Do it. Pull the trigger.” I lean in with no fear. “Fucking do it, you sorry piece of shit!”
He hesitates, and I use the precious seconds to do exactly what Dmitri taught me. In three swift moves, I’ve disarmed Kaleb and have the gun pointed at him.
I pull the trigger.
I pull the trigger again, and again, and again.Click, click, click. My eyes widen with terror.
Kaleb’s smile makes me back up. “You’re adorable when you’re stupid.” He easily knocks the gun out of my hand, sending it sliding across the floor where Casey picks it up.
“You were really going to kill me,” Kaleb seethes. “After everything we’ve been through, babygirl?”
“You mean after everything you’ve put me through.”
“It was for your own good,” he snaps. “Everything I did, I did out of love. You’re my girl.”
“No, I’m not.”
His smile gets even worse. “You will be.”
That voice.