Page 33 of Dmitri
I can’t.
Something about this woman calls to my demons and I’m certain it’s going to end badly for me. That’s fine. I’m used to it.
Lifting her flimsy sliding glass door off the tracks, I slide it over and make a space big enough for me to squeeze through. Her house smells so fucking good. It reminds me of a florist shop, but I don’t see flowers anywhere. She’s had her windows open lately, too. There’s a freshness in the air that wasn’t here the first time I came into her space.
Creeping through her home, I love all the comforts she’s got scattered all over the place, like pillows and blankets and candles. This rundown house needs a lot of upgrades, but it feels good in here. Homey. Sweet. The stairs creak as I climb them. I cautiously peek in the first bedroom and find it empty, just like last time. Whoever her roommate is, they must not stay here often.
Making my way down the hall, I pass the bathroom and crack open Daelyn’s bedroom door. She’s sleeping in a tank top and her right leg rests on top of the covers.
She looks so little in her bed.
She’s anything but, I remind myself.
I’d taken pictures of her driver’s license the other night when I broke in here and had Vault run a background check on her. She was a foster kid and graduated from a local high school. Two years ago, she got her associate degree from a community college and works as a medical coder. My girl is tough and smart. What a turn on, right?
Standing at the foot of her bed, I’m captivated by how precious she looks.
Like a viper sleeping in its nest.
How did you get roped into Silas’s cage fights, little firefly?
I asked him where he found her, but he refused say. Not that I thought he would. Silas never tells me where he gets the women I fuck after a fight. Only that they’re clean, willing, and ready for me. He wouldn’t lie to me about that. I trust him implicitly. Besides, the less I know about my prize, the better, because it’s not like we’re dating or anything. I’ve had several repeats over the years, especially when I first started fighting for money in the cage, but over time, I’ve gone less and less. If I want to fuck, there are plenty of Monarch Club members willing to join me.
Maybe that’s why I’m so fascinated with Daelyn. It’s not that she’s someone special, it’s that she’s the first step back into the world I’ve secretly missed with the most toxic fiber of my being. She’s that first spring breeze that blows into an abandoned house. The rekindled flame after the fire nearly dies out and it radiates a wave of much-needed warmth to your frozen fingers. She’s the very first bite of a favorite home-cooked meal you haven’t been able to eat in years.
“Don’t.” Daelyn says, stirring in her sleep. “Please. Don’t.”Her face scrunches up. “Wait.” Her back arches, head pressing harder against the pillow. Then she flops flat on her back again. “I’m sorry. I’ll be good.” She flinches and curls up on her side. “Stop.” Her breathing changes. “Stop!”
My protective instincts kick into high gear.
Who terrorizes her in nightmares?
What has she been through that’s brought her into my world?
What’s going on in her mind?
“No!” She kicks her feet as if fighting off a monster. “Stop it!”
“Daelyn,” I say loudly to wake her. I will not touch her. I know firsthand how that can be a big mistake because I accidentally gave Ryker a concussion once when he tried to wake me up from a nightmare. I don’t like being touched unless I consent first and am prepared for it. “Daelyn, wake up.”
She whimpers.
“Daelyn. Wake. Up.” Fuck it, I’m going in. If she knocks my teeth out, so be it. “Hey,” I say loudly, sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking her. “Wake up, Firefly.”
“Help.” She cries in her sleep and actual tears slide down her cheeks. “Oh my god. Help.”
I will once I know what’s wrong.
“Babyg—” Shit, she didn’t like being called that last night. “Daelyn, come on, sweetness.” I tug her arms and lift her up. Then I slide her into my lap. “Shh, I got you.” I rock her gently, running my hand through her damp hair. “Wake up for me, Daelyn. Come on. Open your eyes.”
She doesn’t.
How the hell can she sleep through someone yelling her name and manhandling her like this?
My gaze lands on a bottle of sleeping pills sitting on the side table. Fuck. How many did she take?