Page 13 of Alien Naga's Prize
Iwas not expecting my new wife to be particularly impressed with my ship. I managed to do a small amount of research on her species when Starlight Brides matched me with her. Hoo-mans have been forced off their planet, due to their own actions, into space cruisers far too small for their populations.
Space cruisers hardly fit their purpose. Which means my Jenna is used to roughing it, although who knows what Starlight Brides has told her about her new husband, given the Kraken informed her my planet was beautifulafterwe were wed.
Jenna has an impressively blank expression as I lead her into the airlock, and it closes behind us.
“Azul, I have to tell you something,” she says as the hissing of pressurization dies away and the main door rolls to one side.
Then her jaw drops as she takes in the interior.
“Is this the same ship?” she whispers.
“Sometimes it makes sense to have something which looks like space crap on the outside,” I respond, unbuckling my blaster belt and tossing it onto one of the comfortable resters.
“You’re not kidding,” she says, voice awed and eyes wide as she slowly moves forward and trails her long, thin fingers over the furnishings.
“I like things comfortable,” I find myself explaining. “This is comfortable.”
“Thisiscomfortable,” she says, sliding onto a rester which accommodates her to take her weight and mold itself around her. “Wow.”
Her face resolves into a smile, and I find my cold heart beating a little faster at the sight of it.
But then she has married me for a better life—the smile couldn’t possibly be because she wants to be here.
“I’m going to make ready to leave. Make yourself at home, and then we can discuss what happens next,” I say, moving off to the bridge. “There are food producers next to the bedroom.”
“Bedroom?” Jenna queries. “Only one bedroom?”
“Why would I need more,wife?” I respond, turning away quickly to hide my smile.
Thishoo-manfemale is delectable. Not only is she small and beautiful, but her long legs are alluring in ways she can’t even begin to fathom. Sharing a bed with her is not going to be a hardship.
I make my way to the cockpit, and having chartered our course away from the Starlight Brides hub, I consider how I can break it to her she won’t be getting the new life she signed up for. Nor will she be a bride for much longer.
“Jenna?” I call out when I re-enter my living quarters, given the female is nowhere to be seen.
I say her name again, knowing there’s nowhere she could have gone on my ship, given I haven’t provided her with DNA access as yet, not until she understands what our mission is.
If she doesn’t consent? I’m more hazy on what to do, especially since meeting her.
Behind me there is the subtle click of a plasma blaster being primed. The noise causes my tail to coil up on itself. I raise my hands slowly.
“Turn around,” Jenna says, her voice cool and calm. “Slowly.”
I turn to find her with the blaster aimed squarely at my chest, where it will do the most damage. Her stance is good and her grip on the weapon one of someone used to handing such a piece of equipment.
My cocks should not be pushing at my slit, but they are. Seeing her in her figure-hugging dress, hitched up to show her long legs and a blaster in her hands, is making me more aroused than I’ve been in nova-decades.
Jenna’s gaze flits to the bulge at my crotch and then back up to my face with a look of confusion, which is overtaken by a snarl of anger on her full lips.
“What is this?” She holds up the vid screen Tisel gave me. “A pleasure planet and a mark? What the hell are you?”
Her little body is vibrating with her annoyance.
“If you put down the pulsar, I can explain,” I say.
“You can explain with a pulsar pointed at you,” she retorts. “And you will explain, now.” Her teeth are gritted, but her hand is rock steady.