Page 25 of Alien Naga's Prize
Only this isn’t the piece of information which is worrying me.
It’s the newfound knowledge that Azul has been mated before, something he has completely failed to mention, especially when he was destroying my lady parts.
He already has a mate. The realization drops into my stomach like a stone. Azul does not want to be married to me any more than I need to be married to him.
He already has a female waiting for him on his home planet.
A female who is not me.
I’m thinking as quickly as I can as I drag Nzal out of the room and away from Jenna. I didn’t want him anywhere near her as it was setting my scales on fire.
She. Is. Mine.
Also, the last thing I want is for him to blow my cover. The fact he’s revealed I am a prince of Glycon to Jenna is bad enough, but if he were to make further revelations, the entire mission could be at risk.
“Nzal.” I give him a brush down as I shove him into one of the soundproofed bedrooms. “Forgive me for the rough treatment.”
He gives me a swift glare but then bows. He does this because I am a prince and he’s supposed to defer to me, something I’ve always hated.
“I am here on behalf of the crown, but my presence as anything else but a playboy prince cannot be known to any others. I can rely on your discretion I presume?”
“You are here on behalf of the crown?”
“I am here to speak with some of the other crowns of the galaxy to discuss new trading arrangements,” I say swiftly. “My father is keen to expand our markets, and it is something which will benefit everyone,” I point out.
Nzal is a business Glycon, like my father, and I’m relying on his sense of profit to agree to keep my presence here under wraps.
Nzal dips his head.
“And what would be in it for me?” he queries.
Got him!
“You would, of course, be the first trader to benefit under any new arrangements,” I reply smoothly. “My father knows excellent craftsmanship when he sees it, and yours is the best.”
My father knows a bargain when he sees one. He is also entrenched in his ways, in the old ways, the ones where mating is for gain, not for love.
A smile spreads over Nzal’s face. “As you wish, my prince. Your secret is safe with me. And the little human?”
“She is my…assistant. But as you know, entry to Luxus is only for mated pairs.” I give him a pained smile. “And you know how that worked out for me.” I put out my hands. “Please keep this quiet from the authorities…and my parents.” I give him a hopeful smile.
As far as anyone on Glycon was concerned, I was the wayward, playboy prince. My cover shouldn’t be too hard for Nzal to swallow.
“Of course! Your mission, my prince, will never leave my lips. Your presence, and that of your mate, are entirely confidential, and I never break a confidence,” Nzal says with a low bow.
Not the bow of a warrior. It nearly makes me growl again. My species’ desire for trade has made us soft, unprepared for the galaxy and its horrors. Nzal is the epitome of everything wrong on my planet.
“You are too kind, Nzal,” I say, in a way which I hope he takes as the audience being at an end, as I study an uninteresting piece of artwork.
“Azul?” I turn at the sound of Jenna’s voice.
Nzal has gone. It is only her…and me.
“You reallyarea prince?”
I take in a deep breath, my coils tightening as the tip of my tail taps on the floor.