Page 33 of Alien Naga's Prize
“This place is filled with caves,” he responds, before launching himself down the falls, swirling over them in a way which looks like…fun. Until he finally drops into the main pool again, and this time I can see his sinuous body as it flows easily under the water. When he breaks the surface, I’m ready for him, standing back as he shakes droplets from his skin with a smile as wide as the waterfalls themselves.
“Are you coming in?” he asks.
“I can’t swim, I told you…you know,” I say, hesitantly.
“You don’t need to be able to swim to enjoy this place,” Azul says, making his way out of the main pool and grabbing my hand.
He tows me to a pool at the side. “Here, this won’t go up past your waist. You’re perfectly safe. And I’ll be with you. Always.”
I dip a toe in the water as he slips into it, showing me how it only comes up to where his…cocks have protruded in the past…all I can see, apart from the water lapping around the area is a slight darkening of his scales. Azul holds out his hand.
I take it as I walk into the pool. The water is cool against my skin but refreshing in the heat of this place. Gingerly I move into the deeper part, and Azul pulls me against his hard, slippery body.
“How is it, my mate? Good?” he asks, concern in his voice. “If you don’t like it, we can go somewhere else,” he adds.
“I like it, I really do,” I reassure him. “It’s achingly beautiful here and,” I sigh, “being alone is wonderful.”
“Thought you’d probably had enough of me after being stuck in my ship for nearly a nova-week.”
“I meant alone with you.” I punch him in his arm and Azul’s hood flares.
“You can be a feisty little sunray when you want to be,” he growls.
“You’ve seen nothing yet,” I retort, pulling away from him and leaping out of the pool. “If you want me, you’re going to have to catch me.”
Azul’s eyes darken, the tips of his fangs protruding from his lips.
Oh shit, I think I might have unleashed the beast.
Amate hunt?
My heart pounds against my chest. How could Jenna possibly know this is what I want…what I need…and it will end with me claiming her entirely with a bite which will resonate between us forever.
I watch her scramble away up the waterfalls, her delicious curves jiggling and bouncing as she laughs at me. It is only polite to give a mate some chance to get away before I go after her, so I watch and wait until she’s nearly at the top of the shallow set of falls before making my move.
The hidden cave system is only just wide enough for my body, but it means I scrape my scales against the rock, forcing me to concentrate on getting to her rather than the fact my cocks want to emerge from my slit long before I do.
Under the water of the topmost pool, I see her shimmering form. Jenna looks right and left, until she spots me.
Which is more than half the fun. My mate knows I’m coming as, with a swish of my tail, I emerge from the water. Jenna goes left, but I’m already there, capturing her in my arms and pulling her into my body.
She smells amazing, all ready to be mated, ripe and fertile with the slight hint of fear because I have her and we’re tumbling down the waterfall, sliding towards the deep pool.
Jenna cries out my name, although it fades away into the sound of the running water. I position myself under her so when we hit, she doesn’t go under, simply slides along me until we are at the edge again.
My sweet mate splutters, pulling her long, wet hair out of her eyes as she stares first at the falls and then at me.
“I want to do it again!” She laughs, clapping her hands.
“Again?” I growl.
“The slide!” Jenna’s eyes sparkle with life. “It was so much fun!”
“That depends. Will you run again?” I ask.
The answer is in the pounding of her feet as she slips out of my grasp and heads to the falls once again. Her long bare legs teasing me because I know what I’ll find between them.