Page 44 of Alien Naga's Prize
What the hell am I going to do now?
I’m virtually in the clouds I’m so fakking high as I curl myself around the underside of the transport, watching the many feet surrounding it.
“Which ship is his?” a voice asks.
I growl under my breath. No matter what state I’m in, I need to protect my mate. I might be seeing double, triple even, but I’m sure my aim is good enough regardless to hit each and every one. If, of course, I knew where my blaster was.
“It’s port thirty-two,” one of them replies, my bribe to the spaceport command having done the trick, and as quickly as they appeared, the boots move away from the transport and back down the space port away from my hiding place.
I’m not going to have to fight my way out today. As I slump out of the innards of the transport, I think that was probably a good thing.
“Azul?” Jenna hisses my name.
“Here.” I shove my head out from under the transport.
“What are you doing under there?” She folds her arms and purses her lips.
I’m getting a great view of her legs, so I just grin at her. “I fell.”
“Can you get up?” she asks. “We need to get out of here.”
I slither out, my torso not really wanting to comply. Jenna puts her arm around me and helps. I lean into her, enjoying her warmth, the way her legs move, and how tight my cocks feel in my sheath.
“Can we mate when we’re on board my ship?” I ask, the words tripping out of my mouth.
“Is that all you can think about?” Jenna retorts, but there’s a hint of a smile quirking the corner of her mouth. “I’d like to get off Luxus in one piece first.”
“No one will hurt you, little sunray. I’ll see to it,” I rasp.
“Okay, big bad warrior, if you say so.”
Jenna helps me through the airlock, and almost as soon as we’re on board, the craft whines and lifts into the air.
“You can fly my ship?” I stare at her.
“Tisel is operating it remotely,” Jenna says, her nose wrinkling a little. “He’s a bit…much, isn’t he?”
“Pleased someone else noticed,” I grumble.
The ship is rocked from side to side and the hull creaks.
“And he’s sacked when we get out of this,” I say as my head clears a little when I head to the controls.
“What’s going on?” Jenna is, rightfully, alongside me.
“We’re being fired on.”
“By Luxus?”
“No, by Rossz’s associates. I think they want him back.” I turn my head too quickly checking the various consoles, and the sky spins. I clutch at the pilot console, my stomach rolling.
“I suspect he has something they want rather than any sort of loyalty,” I say. “Where is he?”
“I asked the ship, and it provided me with some sort of cell.” Jenna has her arms folded as I glance at her. “I’d say kinky, but then I know you have a full-sized bath on board.”