Page 50 of Alien Naga's Prize
Strange sort of hide out for a jewel thief. Still, he’s probably going to thank us, a bit, when we get him out of here.
“How could I do this without you?” Azul grins as he drags the half-conscious mark with us, up the gangway and into the relative safety of the ship.
“You’d better get a move on, before I give birth waiting for you,” I retort, running my hand over my belly.
Yes, I am pregnant, very pregnant. The Glycon don’t go in for single births. It’s always multiples as a rule, and for me, it means I’m carrying triplets. I look like I’m about to burst and yet I still have three months’ gestation left, or so I’m told by some ofGlycon’s best medics, on the rare occasion we drop onto Azul’s planet for a check up.
I feel incredible, like I could take on the galaxy. It’s something I have to put down to Azul’s venom rather than my own constitution. I honestly feel like I could be a bounty hunter until the day I go into labor.
Although if Azul has anything to do with it, this job is my last.
We’ll see.
The airlock slides closed, and I shove the mark into a seat, binding him up tight as he attempts to still look dazed.
“Any allergies, illnesses I need to be aware of, or contraband on you?” I query as Azul lifts us off the dying planet.
“I have…” he starts, and I put a gagging mask over his face.
“Good, then shut up and this’ll soon be over with,” I reply, heading into the cockpit and strapping myself in with the adapted grab-straps.
“All done?” Azul asks as we climb into the upper atmosphere.
“He’s as happy as a kraken in water,” I respond. “Just get us out of here.”
Azul activates the after-burners, and I’m pushed back into my seat as we exit the atmosphere and leave the boiling planet behind us.
The babies do a spin in what can only be excitement, causing me to exhale loudly.
“Everything okay, my little sunray?” Azul is unstrapped and next to me as I hold my side.
“Your offspring are starting a three-a-side in here,” I pant.
“I know what we can do about that.” Azul gives me a wicked grin as he slides a hand around my stomach and kisses me on the lips. “Anything to make you comfortable.”
“Did you get the mark?”Tisel’s voice fires through the comm.
“Fuck off, Tisel,” I shout as Azul gathers me in his arms. “Comm off.”
The mark’s eyes are wide as Azul carries me through the ship and into his bedroom, the door sliding closed behind us.
“So, am I having you in the pool or right here on the bed?” Azul asks as he makes short work of my clothing, stripping me bare for him.
I don’t get to answer because he’s already between my legs, his talented tongue flicking over my clit in a way which he knows sends me right to the edge.
My calves are propped up on his shoulders and I’m clutching at the bedclothes under me as, although I can’t see what he’s doing past my pregnancy, I’m sure as hell reaping the benefits of his leg obsession.
In no time at all, Azul pulls an orgasm from me, my entire body pulsing as he laps at my clit and spears me with his tongue.
“And what do I do with my delicious mate, so ripe and so round with young?” he says, rising up over my bump, hands caressing it as he gazes at my naked form.
“You mate her until she screams your name.” I pant.
“My sweet breeder,” Azul moans, swiping his tongue through my folds and making my eyes roll into the back of my head.
He knows how to make my body sing, how to calm the growing young inside me. Multiple orgasms which leave me exhausted and sated, until the next time he plunders me.
His fangs graze over my clit and I come with a rush of moisture which there is no stopping, and he laps it up with the most obscene of sounds.