Page 139 of My Fated Alpha: The Royals
“Oh. I see.”
The worry in her gaze prompted him to say, “I’ll have someone ask around about the baron.” His words had her brightening. The sight of her smiling was both a painful and joyous sight.Why, he wondered,did he have to feel this strongly for a girl who couldn’t be his?
“Lady Zari...” He had been about to reach for the knob before turning around, surprising Zari into stepping back. The sight had his jaw hardening. This time, she was stepping back. Itmeant something had happened between her and the hunter – something that probably caused Zari to harbor false hopes again.
“You know this won’t end well, don’t you?”
She nodded.
Frustration lined his voice as he demanded, “Then why? Why would you choose him?” He stepped towards her, something in him making Erou want to hold her—-
But before he could, the door opened.
In front of him, Zari whitened.
Even without looking behind him, Erou already knew there was only one person who could make Zari react like that.
Chapter Five
The moment Alexandru appeared in the doorway, a breathtaking smile broke over her lips, prompting him to ask teasingly, “Did you miss me?”
Instead of answering, she asked, “Did you miss me?” She didn’t wait for his answer, running to him with a laugh. He caught her in his arms, his lips catching hers even as her legs went around his waist.
He raised his head. “Does that answer your question?”
She nodded.
“Come with me next time and we—-” He stopped since she had been shaking her head the moment he spoke.
“You know I can’t,” she said softly. “You know you can’t. I will only be a distraction to you when you hunt, and I don’t want that.”
“You’re not a distraction—-”
“No one will believe you even if it’s not true. You’re part of the ruling family, and I don’t want the day to come that your people will think you’ve failed them because of me.”
TROUBLING REPORTS FROMhis men had Alexandru going to the library. Killing demons could be complex, depending on their position in the hierarchy. The demon he was hunting downwas particularly high up in the rank, and the more information he had about his opponent, the better his chances of defeating the demon without any innocent bystanders suffering.
But when he reached the library, all thoughts of demon hunting were forgotten when he saw his own pet entering one of the offices at the back with another man.
It was Lord Erou of course.
The library assistant approached him. “You would like to use the office, milord?”
He nodded curtly.
The assistant returned to him after a few moments. “They will only be a minute.”
“That’s fine.” He walked towards the office, cracking his fists. He was supposed to be a cold-blooded hunter, but right now all he could think about was hauling the other vampire’s ass out of the office and beating him to within an inch of his life.
This was not right. This feeling of obsession, of possession – he was not supposed to feel this way for his pet. It was a betrayal in every sense of the word, and he only had himself to blame.
His powers muted, Alexandru was able to reach the office without either of the two being aware of his presence. He listened to them talk about the murder suspect, his body stiff with tension. He knew it was only a matter of time before the soldier would talk about something else.
And he was right.
You know this won’t end well, don’t you?
A harsh smile touched Alexandru’s lips. Of course. A direct stab. He should have expected that from the ever-uptight vampire.