Page 7 of Forbidden Professor
A sigh is already on Carter’s lips. “What?”
“Umm.” I drop the phone to my side. Calculating the amount of trouble I’m now in with dad will take more time than I have. I dart my tongue out to wet my bottom lip. “Nothing. It’s just… how did I not know you were going to be here? Living a few blocks away, I mean.”
He shrugs. “You didn’t ask, as far as I know. It’s not like I knew you were going to show up here either. Though I don’t exactly mind knowing that you live close by.”
“No?” I ask, giving him a teasing smile.
“Nope.” He smirks faintly and shakes his head. “You know, living this close, I can tutor you on my methods of memorizing body parts. I amverythorough.”
His teasing tone isn’t lost on me. In fact it makes me tremble, just slightly.
Carter steps closer to me, making me aware of how much space he takes up in his small house. I color, even though I started the flirtation. I may talk a big game, but I don’t actually know how to follow through with any it.
At the moment, I find myself tongue tied, my gaze dipping down to his mouth.
Oh, the things I’ll bet he can do with those lips and that tongue.
“So… if you’re free…” I start, taking a step toward him, angling at closing the distance. His gaze is more than interested, slipping down to my mouth, my tits.
When we finally bang, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be amazing. I’m starting a new school in a new city. Why not leave my old uptight habits behind along with my old life?
Suddenly an alarm goes off, startling both of us. He looks at his watch. He groans. “That’s my one hour reminder. I have to shower. I have an appointment and I can’t be late.”
My mouth twists. I step closer, bridging the gap between us. I don’t quite touch him, but I look up at him with a meaningful gaze. “Not even for me?”
It comes out sounding more like a whiny little girl than the breathy sexpot that I meant it to but… I meant the question in earnest. Carter slowly shakes his head.
“The dean waits for no man,” he declares. “Even you, tempting seductress though you are. We can rain check for tonight or tomorrow if you want.”
That makes me pout.
“I’m not sure,” I say.
He slides me a sideways glance, then glances at his watch again. He heads for one of the doors toward the back of the house. “I really have to get ready. And I assume that you don’t want to join me in the shower so… I’ll leave you to figure out who you’re going to call, Eve. I’ll be thinking about you when I’m in the shower, though…”
Then he pulls his t-shirt up over his head, exposing miles of smooth ridges of muscle. His arms aren’t the only thing worth drooling over… he has an amazing chest, incredible six pack abs, and an Adonis belt that most women would probably kill over.
My jaw drops. Carter just smirks, throwing the t-shirt at my head.
“Stop staring,” he says slyly, his tone teasing. “It’s notladylike. And get someone on the phone that can unlock your doors. Also, feel free to find a pair of jeans or shorts in my dresser, so you aren’t so…exposed.”
Snapping my jaw shut, I glare at him. But my glare is kind of lost on him because he just disappears behind one of the white doors. In my hand, my phone starts to buzz.
I look down at the screen.
He’s calling for the third time. He’s going to be pissed when I finally talk to him. Swallowing hard, I just let it ring until it goes to voicemail. In the meantime, I look up the closest locksmith, calling as soon as the line is clear.
Sliding my gaze back to the door that Carter vanished through, I sigh. At least I’ve already found one familiar face… though I wouldn’t call Carter friendly, exactly.
Then again, I’m pretty used to not having any friends. Sighing, I start to make arrangements to get back into my house.
“We’ll resume things later,”I promise Eve, from the fence outside her yard.