Page 35 of The Office Games
Her husband has to practically pull her away.
We wait for them to pull onto the road first, and then James resumes the drive.
“Are you okay?” He looks at me.
“What’s wrong?”
I say nothing for several miles, simply staring straight ahead.
“That was a sweet thing you did back there, James,” I finally speak. “I wish someone had helped my parents long ago. It would’ve changed everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“The only reason they bought a last minute train ticket was because their car stopped working and no one stopped to help,” she says. “They called a cab and thought it was ‘fate’ that we were all taking the train with my aunts.”
A flash of the past—the same scene that haunts my nightmares from time to time crosses in front of me. I’m drinking a hot cocoa as the train rattles forward, and then I’m pushed to the floor before everything burst into flames.
The phrase ‘sole survivor’ still hurts.
I shake my head, refusing to let the moment play any further.
James leans over to wipe my tears as I cry.
Merging onto US-287, entering Colorado
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
The windshield wipers have served as the only sound between us for the past several miles, and I’m in desperate need of conversation.
I don’t want the feelings from our last one to linger any longer.
“Do you think Cameron would be willing to reconsider the marriage pact thing with me?”
James doesn’t answer me.
“James?” I ask. “Did you hear what I said?”
He says nothing and pulls the car into the emergency lane.
Before I can ask him what he’s doing, he cups my face in his hands and pulls me close, kissing me until I’m breathless.
Staring into my eyes, he gently bites my bottom lip. "Can we add a new rule that involves not talking about anyone besides me and you for the rest of this drive?"
I nod, completely speechless.
“Good.” He kisses me again, even harder as if to drive home the point, and then he entwines his hand in mine before pulling onto the road.
The large blue attraction sign ahead is stamped with one location: The Grace Estate.